Why is Jupiter streched?

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Earth:Hey Jupiter, i have a question...one time i heard..my humans noticed through telescopes you look "stretched" and now that i carefully look, you kinda do.


Jupiter:Stretched? Its probably just because of my Rotational Period.


Jupiter:How long it takes for a planet to rotate!

Earth:Ohhhh...right...Ahem! Well how long? Me and mars take around 23-25 hours, and Venus takes like..months.

Jupiter:Uhh..i take proximately...9.55 hours or somethin' like that.


-Mars didn't really know what to say-

Earth:That makes sense..why's your days so short anyway's? Aren't you the biggest Gas Giant so like you should take more than 25 hours on average.

Jupiter:Honestly, my past is rough gotta ask Sun over there.

Venus:I don't think he exactly knows every spec of detail about every planet.

Mars:Why wouldn't he? He's very old after all.

Earth:Well..i wouldn't consider him old-

Venus:Shut your mouths..if he hears us im not taking the blame.

Mars:Dude...Sun sleeps for like months.

Venus:I ain't takin risks!

-Jupiter sighed in annoyance-

Earth:Guys guys! Calm down..how about we just have fun?

-Venus didn't care-

Mars:Im down for it!


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