Mars has found Venus! (FINALE 2)

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Mars: Venus? C'mon dude I know you're out here somewhere!

Mars knew Venus couldn't be too far, since the span of which Venus could go was limited.

Mars: Phobos, Deimos, do you possibly know where I could find Venus?

Phobos gazed upwards.

Phobos: You are still looking for that prick? I hadn't realized since I was kinda just trance in my thoughts.

Deimos shoved Phobos aside.

Deimos: Oh, Venus? Well, you haven't checked nearby the asteroid belt...

Mars gazed towards the Asteroid Belt.

Mars: The asteroid belt, ey? I don't know why he'd go in there... but it is possible!

Mars quickly lost his energy once he realized it.

Mars: Uh, the Asteroid Belt is huge!

Phobos looked at Mars again.

Phobos: Yeah- and the faster you get it done, the faster you'll find out so get to it.

Mars gave Phobos a death stare.

Mars: First off, never boss me around like that...

Phobos looked a bit humbled.

Phobos: Okay dude, chill out.

Mars looked back over to the Asteroid belt, he headed towards it.

(time skip)

Mars: Took long enough to get here... I came all the way here this oughta be worth it.

Venus was however easily spotted, due to his bright albedo and atmospheric hue.

Mars: VENUS!

Venus looked behind himself and saw Mars.

Mars: Venus! What are you doing out here? In the Asteroid Belt?

Venus didn't know how to respond at first.

Venus: Mars- listen... You may not believe me but I just saw hellish stuff-

Mars chuckled a bit sarcastically.

Mars: Aight, Venus we get it your surface is hell- you don't have to emphasize it.

Venus had a serious expression but was also kind of worried.

Venus: No- dude! You've got to believe me! I saw... it...

Mars: Venus- you okay dude? Maybe you need to go back into your orbit and rest down a bit...

Venus: NO! Believe me, Mars... I saw him...

Mars: VENUS! Who?!

Venus: The... X.

Mars: Wh- okay Venus you need to rest, follow me.

Mars turned around and headed toward Venus's orbit, Mars expecting Venus to follow.

Venus: I ain't going crazy...

Venus followed Mars anyway.

In the far distance...

Planet X: Ah, maybe my ideas are just too smart, aren't they Makemake?

Makemake: X, you just made Mars think Venus is a psychotic patient or something!

Makemake scoffed, clearly not amused.

Planet X: Yeah- keep being a mood-buster.

Makemake: X! Your plans are stupid man- just give up you lost already.

Makemake then dashed away to do his own thing.

Planet X: How lucky am I these days...

Planet X said sarcastically.

To be continued!

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