Welcome Home, Pregtasha and Cap

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*Another Week Later*

Elizabeth's POV

"Kid, you're killing me. You're really fucking killing me." I mumble towards my stomach as i throw up for the 5th morning in a row. This morning sickness thing is really killing my fucking vibe. I adjust my knees on the cold tiles and rest my forearms on the toilet seat. Fuck, i cant believe this is actually happening. I feel my stomach churn and automatically, im in my battle stance prepared to throw up. I feel it coming up my throat. A hand startles me and starts to rub my back, the other hand pulling back my hair (especially that one strand). Seriously, this one is taking forever. I lurch forward with the force of the puke. And there it is. Fucking gross.

"You okay?" Tom asks me, kissing the top of my head. I nod, wiping away the tears that have fallen out of my eyes from the force of it all. Ugh. Fucking disgusting. My stomach settles considerably. I think its over. I lower the toilet lid and flush it, standing up with Tom. His eyes are clouded in worry and concern. I give him a weak smile to show that im alright. He follows me over to the sink, where i thoroughly brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out several times with mouthwash. There we go, back to normal. I turn around to leave, only to be met with Tom's arms. He wraps me into a tight, warm hug as his lips press to my forehead.

"You're doing great." He mumbles. I cock one eyebrow and look up at him.

"Its only been like...a fucking week since we found out." I remind him. He nods and shrugs at the same time, tangling his fingers with mine.

"I know. But you're doing great. You're just being so straight forward about all of this. You never complain. I dont know how you do it. Its crazy. I have a whole new respect for Natasha." He says with awe in his eyes. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Its what i have to do, you dork. Have you been there for Nat's morning sickness? I was there once. It was so fucking unnerving. Im so sorry you have to witness this." I reply awkwardly. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Dont be stupid, darling. I dont mind at all." He presses his lips to mine quickly. Woah. Woah woah woah. I pull away immediately.

"What the fuck, Tom? Dont do that shit. I just threw up." I say, really self conscious of my mouth suddenly. Something flashes in his eyes and almost robotically, he pulls me in forcefully, roughly smashing his lips to mine. I give in and kiss him back, his hips grinding on mine. Eventually, he pulls away.

"I dont care. Im in love with you and im allowed to kiss my wife whenever i wish. With her consent, of course. Also, you rinsed out your mouth." He says, a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and shove him playfully, walking out of the bathroom. What a fucking dork.

"Im not your wife yet, Hiddleston. And kissing me right now is super fucking gross." I call over my shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me suddenly, causing me to squeal. He laughs and runs into our bedroom, placing me on the bed and kissing me roughly. Just as it starts to get heated, I push him away.

"Hold the fuck up, Thomas. Its because of this shit we're even having a fucking little people thingy." I say breathlessly. He laughs one of those laughs that have no noise, and collapses on the bed next to me. I chuckle. What is so bloody funny?

"What?" I ask between laughs. He takes five deep breaths before bursting into laughter again. After a while, he composes himself.

"A little people thingy. You actually just called our baby a little people thingy." He chuckles and shakes his head. I shrug. Yeah. It is what it is. A knock on the front door resounds around the house. Tom groans and flops onto his back. I do the same.

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