Anywhere But Here

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Elizabeth's POV

We pull up at the now desolate Avengers set. I look over at a grinning Tom.

"Why are we here?" I ask him with a laugh. He glances over at me.

"Come on. I want to show you something." Tom says as he gets out of the car. I follow him through the gates. He reaches back for my hand so i take his hand in mine.

"I really want you to see this." Tom says back to me breathlessly as we head nearer and nearer to the large warehouse we were practically forbidden from going in. I chuckle. He looks back at me and raises one eyebrow.

"Something funny, Thompson?" He mimics me. I laugh and shrug. We stop at the large double doors that will let us into the warehouse.

"I wouldnt have thought you of all people would break the rules." I say simply. He chuckles and pulls me in close enough to him that our noses are touching.

"Im more unpredictable than you think, love." He says in a gravelly voice, leaning down and roughly smashing his lips on mine. One arm snakes around my waist while the other arm reaches over and pushes the doors open, revealing the best thing i have ever seen. Rows and rows of costumes from every movie genre you can think of. I walk forward into one of the many aisles and turn to face Tom. He is wearing a fucking cowboy hat. Oh my fuck. I chuckle as he walks, or struts towards me in a cowboy fashion.

"Shall we have some fun, ma'am?" He asks me in a western accent. I chuckle and reach for a red feather boa. I flick it around my neck.

"Yes, yes we shall." I reply in my best posh impersonation. We both run down the aisle grabbing at random pieces of clothing as we go.


After about our 27th costume change, Tom chuckles loudly and i take off down the aisle, swiftly turn the corner, and duck, reaching for a giant werewolf head sitting creepily on the floor with its fangs showing and eyes staring into my fucking soul. Perfect. I quickly rip it on and hide in the shadows, waiting for Tom.

"Beth?" Tom calls out hesitantly after a few minutes of silence. I stifle a laugh and glance quickly around the corner, the giant werewolf head weighing me down. Tom's silhouette is slowly growing on the floor in front of me. This is going to be fucking legendary.

"Love..?" Tom asks again nervously into the shadows. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from laughing. He rounds the corner and i jump into action, tackling him and shrieking loudly. We both fall onto the floor.

"Why would you do that to me?...why?He asks me breathlessly, pulling the giant head off of me as i laugh. He places it beside us both and hangs his head between his his knees. I sit up and cross my legs, still chuckling.

"I saw the opportunity...and i took it." I reply in between laughs. He rolls his eyes sarcastically then smirks at me. He leans in and is about to kiss me when his phone rings. Of all the fucking times for that thing to fucking ring...ugh. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks at the screen.

"I have to take this, love. Its my mum." He says to me with a smile. He quickly kisses my cheek, answering the phone, and standing up, walking a few aisles down. I grab my werewolf head by the ears and pull it closer to me on the floor. I chuckle to myself. When i first started working on the set i never thought i would end up with Thomas fucking Hiddleston. This is the happiest ive fucking been in years. I hear Tom faintly a few aisles over.

"Yeah mum, we just finished the movie today. Ehehehe yeah." I smile and creep on my hands and knees a few more aisles over trying to hear him better, dragging my werewolf head behind me. I sit with my back against the rack and put the giant head on my lap. I really shouldnt eavesdrop. Fuck it.

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