Big Changes

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*1.5 Months Later*

Elizabeth's POV

"You're insane. You are absolutely crazy. Are you sure this is what you want?" Uncle Rob asks me as i get out of his car. I smirk and look into the large airport, bustling with rushing families going on vacation and stressed business men with a deadline. Jesus, this is it. This is fucking it.

"Yeah. This is what i want." I say definitely. Natasha gets out of the back of the car and squints up at the huge planes taking off over New York. She looks back at me.

"Are you sure though? What if you get there and it isnt what you really want? This is a big step." She says, walking up to me. I laugh as she tries to pull my huge suitcase out of the back seat.

"Im completely fucking sure, trust me." I say reassuringly, grabbing my suitcase off of Natasha and taking a deep breath. I cant believe im doing this. Holy shit. Uncle Rob sighs deeply, pulling me into a tight hug.

"You'll call when you land?" He asks. Is he crying? I think he's crying. Fuck. I wrap my arms around him and exhale shakily. Shit. I wont cry. I will not cry. Im crying, fuck.

"Of course." I reply. He grips me tighter; this man who has raised me since i was a mere teenager; this man who has become like a father to me; this man who helped me pick out my prom dress, egg the bitches from school, watched me grow, taught me everything i know today. Fuck, im going to miss him.

"Look after my apartment for me, alright?" I say to them both, still hugging uncle Rob. A stray tear falls down my cheek. Natasha laughs and nods her head. Uncle Rob kisses the side of my head.

"I love you, kid." He says. I laugh and pull away from him, wiping my wet cheeks. Fuck, im gonna miss New York. Im gonna miss my apartment. Im gonna miss being a heart beat away from family.

"I love you too, Robert." I say. He smirks and leans agains the car, folding his arms across his chest. I turn to Natasha. She has a stupid grin plastered on her face, holding her arms out as though waiting for a hug. I chuckle and hug her.

"Im going to miss you." I say quietly. She laughs and tightens the hug. Shit, this is harder than i thought it would be.

"I cant say the same for you." She teases. I roll my eyes and shove her away, laughing. Fucking dick. I take one more look around me and pick up my suitcase, turning around and beginning to walk inside.

"I'll see you this christmas." I call behind me. I cant turn around. If i do, i wont be able to go. There is muffled replies as i enter the air conditioned building, the noise increasing considerably. I look around and start pushing through the crowd. Its finally time. After fucking ages, its finally happening. The struggle to get Moriarty there, the waiting, the packing, hiding this from Tom, everything is all over. All i need to do is get on the plane and go. I get rid of my luggage, except for my carry on, and keep walking. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Tom: Darling, do you have my blue button up shirt by any chance? Missing you like crazy. x

I smile as i read Tom's name on my screen. I look down at what im wearing: black skinny jeans, my high tops, and Tom's blue button up. I smirk and keep walking. He's like a fucking giraffe or something. I have to roll up the sleeves of the damn thing, and even still it finishes at about mid-thigh.

Me: I miss you too, Hiddlesdork. As for your blue button up, i think i may have it. Do you need it? x

I walk through all of the security checks and into the departure section of the airport. Dozens of people are running all over the place. My phone vibrates again as i approach my gate.

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