Can You Not?

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*6:15 am*

Elizabeth's POV

"Beth?" I feel Tom shake me awake. What the fucking fuck does he think he's doing? I reluctantly open one eye to see him fully dressed in tracksuit pants and a hoodie. He cant seriously be bringing this up again, because the answer is no.

"This better be fucking good." I croak out. Why the fuck does my morning voice have to be hideous? Tom has the morning voice of a god and im over here sounding like the fucking antichrist awakening. He smirks and tucks a piece of my fallen hair behind my ear.

"Come for a run." He says hopefully. Yep, i was right. Fuck that. I laugh sleepily and bury my head in the pillow.

"Fuck that." My voice comes out muffled. He groans in disappointment and begins to walk out of the bedroom. How wasnt last nights ice cream antics enough running? I ran for about a whole fucking hour before my legs wouldnt move anymore.

"Fine, dont worry about it. I just wish you would take more interest in my interests." He says quietly before leaving. I sit up and mentally slap myself. Wow, i feel like a fucking prick. He knows i dont do running or physical activity of any kind. Im gonna have to do this, arent i? You know what? Fine. Fucking fine. I roll out of bed and pull on sone tracksuit pants and one of Tom's hoodies, quickly lacing up my converses and bundling my hair up into a pony. Never let it be said that i dont take interest in his fucking interests.


I sleepily jog into the street, looking left and right for any sign of Tom. Fuck, im freezing my nipples off. I spot a running figure through the fog down the street. I cant believe im fucking running. Me, of all people. I run quickly down to Tom, slowing to a jog next to him; not making any eye contact. He turns his head and looks at me as we run. Fuck, im dying. My lungs are exploding. Dont show it on your face. Fuck. He stops running and turns to me, forcing me to stop.

"What?" I ask, shrugging. My breath transforms into little icicles in the freezing air of December. How is it not snowing right now? He smirks and shakes his head.

"What are you doing, love?" He asks, his warm breath becoming fog. I shake my head and shrug.

"You told me to take interest, so here i am." I say quickly. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"You dont have to do this." He says. I roll my eyes and shove him off, starting to run down the street again. He quickly follows next to me. Seriously, how is it not fucking snowing?

"You dont run, darling." He states, laughing. I laugh shortly and turn the corner. Hm, to be mysterious, or straight forward? Im in a bit of a fuck around mood.

"Theres a lot of things you dont know about me, Thomas." I say, biting my bottom lip. He chuckles, and we turn another fucking corner. Shit, its cold. Cold in the sense of 'Jack and Rose in the water at the end of Titanic' cold; only less death, and more nipples falling off. I cant run. I cant run. Fuck, im suffocating. I can see my life flashing before my eyes. Fast approaching unconsciousness. Fuck. I take my eyes off the ground and look over at Tom, who is running at an even pace like its a second fucking nature. I stare at him in disbelief for a moment, before tripping and falling onto my ass on the cold as fuck concrete. Ow, what the fuck? Are you kidding? Shit burgers. My knee stings, so i figure ive probably fucked it up pretty bad. Tom stops and kneels next to me concernedly.

"Fuck, Beth, are you alright?" He asks as though im going to go into a state of shock. I nod seriously, then, when i realise what's happened, i burst out laughing. The type of laughter that doesnt have any noise and leaves you breathless and crying. Tom laughs along with me, before trying (and failing) to help me up.

The Taming of the ShrewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora