The Week Later

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*One Week Later*

Elizabeth's POV

The Friends theme song starts up for the 28th time today as i lounge around, eating doritos in Tom's shirt...again. I think this is the one where Rachel goes to Ross at the airport. I should have gone to the airport. Why didnt i go to the airport? I fucked up. I eat another handful of doritos. Someone knocks on the door. I pause the episode and remain as quiet as i possibly can get. Oh please, go away. After a few minutes of silence i assume that they have gone away and play the episode. Suddenly, the door clicks open and Uncle Rob walks in, glancing down at me in a heap on the couch.

"Jesus, Ellie. Have you moved at all in the past week?" He asks me, shocked. I smirk and eat another dorito, pausing friends and looking over at uncle Rob who has settled himself on the couch next to me.

"Well, when your boyfriend goes back to England and doesnt call, or text, or skype, or anything at all and holds off telling you he's leaving until the last possible moment resulting in you going and getting blind kinda lose the will to move." I retort, eating another dorito. Uncle Rob smirks and takes the bag off of me, moving closer to me.

"I guess i can understand that, but we need to get you out of this apartment." He replies to me, his eyes locked onto mine. I make a face.

"Do we have to? Im really quite fine with being alone." I say. Uncle Rob laughs loudly, his face going back to serious almost immediately.

"Well im not fine with you being alone all the time. You are a mess, you are unemployed, and you have watched friends on repeat for the whole week Tom has been gone." I gasp.

"We do not speak his name." I say in a low, hoarse whisper. Uncle Rob laughs and shakes his head.

"And maybe a little bit of Harry Potter." He says in addition. I nod in triumph. He chuckles and puts his arm around me. I sigh.

"I really miss him, uncle Rob. I really do." I say quietly. Uncle Rob tightens his grip around me.

"I know you do, kid. I havent seen you like this for a long time. So we're going to get you back on your feet. We're gonna get you a job. What do you like to do?" He asks me. I groan.

"Do i have to get a job? I just want to pass out and watch movies and eat." I protest. Uncle Rob sits up and crosses his legs, facing me.

"Im serious, what do you like to do?" I groan and give up. Uncle Rob sits eagerly, waiting for my reply.

"I like to write. I loved working on the set. Yeah, i really liked working on the set." I say to him. His face brightens and he smiles.

"Lucky for you, i happen to be Robert Downey Jr. And i have connections. Im gonna get you another job on another set and you are going to get active again. Can i get a 'hell yeah'?" He asks. I slump as he stands and pulls his phone out of his pocket, dialling a number.

"No." I protest. I dont wanna fucking 'hell yeah'. I wanna watch friends. He pokes his tongue out at me and immediately straightens up when someone answers the phone.

"Hey, Marc? It's Rob. Great, good, how about you?" Uncle Rob speaks into the phone. I groan and bury my head into the couch pillow. I just want Tom. I want him here with me. Even if he's not here, i just want one phone call. Just one. Just to tell me where we're standing right now. Im in love with him, for fuck sake. What if he's not in love with me?

"So my niece, Elizabeth, is currently unemployed and i was wondering if i could get her in as a PA or something in your next movie?" He asks hopefully. There is muffled speech from the other line. Without looking up, i reach and grab my bag of doritos, taking out a handful and shoving them into my mouth. Oh no, im going to get fat. Oh wait! Who the fuck cares?!

"Previous experience? She was Tom Hiddleston's personal assistant on the set of The Avengers." I cringe and throw a dorito at him. He makes a face then listens into the phone. He forces a chuckle.

"Yeah, Loki. Yeah? Elizabeth Thompson. Yeah. Oh great! Thanks, Marc, i owe you one." He hangs up the phone. I look at him expectantly. He walks over and plonks onto the couch next to me.

"Well...?" I ask impatiently. He shoves his hand in the bag and grabs some doritos. He glances over at me and smirks.

"I got you in on Spiderman." He says. I smile and throw my arms around him in a thankful hug. I pull away quickly.

"Who am i PA-ing?" I ask, eating another chip.

"Andrew Garfield." He says. I stare at him for a minute. Andrew Garfield is spiderman. Holy fuckballs.

"Oh. And do i have to do this?" I ask him. He chuckles.

"Of course you have to do this. You have to get your mind off of Tom." He says to me seriously. I sigh and close my eyes. I dont want to get my mind off of Tom. I just want him here. Fuck, is it that hard for him to call or something? I nod in agreement. He kisses my forehead quickly. He stands up and walks toward the door with my bag of doritos.

"You're doing a smart thing, Ellie. You start on set tomorrow. Now go take a shower, you stink." He opens the door and goes to leave.

"LEAVE MY DORITOS." I call after him. He pokes his head inside and places a singular dorito in my jacket pocket, hanging next to the door and leaves quickly. Guy fucking took my doritos. I sit in the silence for a few minutes letting the past half hour sink in. It's a two way street. Im going to call him. Its decided. I'll call, then i'll go and take a shower. But what if i've left it too long? What if it's over? I have to call him. I have to hear him call me 'love'. I need to be 'Beth' again. Will i be Beth again? Fucked if i know. But first...

I lift my arm and quickly smell under it. I do not i?

Tom's POV

"Thomas William Hiddleston if you dont call that poor girl, i'll do it for you." My mum says seriously as she glares at me while i stare at my phone deciding whether or not i should call Beth. God, i miss her. It's been a whole week and i still havent been able to bring myself to call her. What if she isnt in love with me anymore? What if i end up like Harry from the plane?

"What if she doesnt want to talk to me, mum?" I ask mum hopelessly. She scoffs and lightly taps my forehead.

"Of course she will want to talk to you. She loves you. Just call her." Mum says and walks back into the kitchen. I have been an absolute mess for the past week and if it wasnt for mum, i think i would still be in the same spot i was in at the start of the week. I fidget with my phone for another two minutes when finally, mum calls me to dinner. I put my phone down reluctantly and go into the dining room. I'll call her after dinner.


I walk back into the front room after dinner and settle into the lounge. Okay, lets call Beth. I pick up my phone and watch as the screen comes to life. What i see in my notifications makes my heart skip a few beats.

Missed call: Beth

She called me. Beth called me and i missed it. I have to call her back. She called me. I swipe my screen and stand up, going outside into the rain under the awning. I press redial and hold the phone up to my ear, waiting eagerly to hear Beth's voice. The phone rings. And rings. And rings. Then rings out. She doesnt want to talk to me. I missed the call and now she doesnt want to talk to me. Fuck.

I stare into the heavy rain as if it will give me a sign as to what i should do now. Defeated, i go back inside and announce to mum that im going home. She kisses me on the cheek and sees me out. I get in the car and drive home on the drenched tar. Im in love with this girl and i left her. I didnt even say goodbye. I left it too long and now...I grip the steering wheel tighter. And now, i think it's over.

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