You Better hope

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*Three Days Later*

Tom's POV

"You know, i have about 12 bags of skittles right next to me. And 17 cups of coffee you haven't even touched. Black with two sugars; just how you like it. They're all yours if you would just," i rake back my unkempt hair, "wake up." Three days and still nothing from her; not even a twitch. Its as Dont think like that. I grab her hand in both of mine and look over her paling face, unmoved by the strictness of the atmosphere around her. She is still.

"Listen, Beth. You have to wake up soon, okay? Theres so much to do. So much you havent seen or talked about. Natasha's having a baby. We're supposed to be getting married. Rob is at the end of his rope. Christmas is less than a week away. I need you to be here for Christmas. I love you so much, Thompson. Now, you need to get the hell back here so we can get things going again, alright? We promised that neither one of us were leaving any time soon. You're breaking the bloody promise, you biscuit." I laugh but it comes out choked up and faint. The door suddenly slams open. I drop her hand and stand up, turning around. Oliver bursts through the door furiously. When did he get here? I walk forward only to be slammed against the wall with his lower arm at my throat, pinning me against the wall. He's breathing heavily, rage expanding in every exhale. He tightens his arm against my throat, up against the wall.

"If she doesnt fucking wake up, Hiddleston, i'll kill you myself." He spits at me. I push him off and throw him against the wall. I've been awake too long in this bloody room for this shit.

"You think you're the only one that wants her to fucking wake up, Oliver? You're dead wrong." I spit back at him. He clenches his fists and is about to shove me.

"What the fuck were you doing? How do you even manage to do this much damage?" He says, articulating his every syllable. I clench my teeth and pull myself away from him. Fucking prick. I look back at Beth, still painfully unmoving; oblivious to everything around her.

"Who are you to even ask me what happened? Take a deep breath and calm the fuck down. Pull your fucking head in, Oliver. I want her to wake up just as much as you do. Christ, i wish we never left the house." I trail off. He snarls and backs up a little.

"Who the fuck goes for a drive in the middle of a bloody storm anyway?" He snaps at me. I scowl, and prepare myself to speak back but im interrupted by the most beautiful sound i could hear right now. You cant be serious.

"Will you two please shut the fuck up? Im trying to sleep." I hear a soft voice say behind me. I turn around and instantly, my eyes are met with the brilliant green of Beth's. She is weak, attempting to sit up. No. Oh my god. Shes awake. I grin and practically run over to her. I kiss her several times on her faint blue lips and chuckle triumphantly. She looks up at me and smiles softly before cracking her neck and fingers.

"Oh fuck, my head." She mumbles. I cant help but nearly pass out from overwhelming relief. Thank god, shes awake. Oliver walks up slowly; cautiously.

"Im...glad you're awake, Ellie." He says. She looks up groggily at him and half smiles, holding out her arms. I cant stop looking at her. After two full days of watching her do nothing at all, its amazing to finally see her back here; okay again.

"Give me a fucking hug then. Come on." She croaks out. Oli walks up to her slowly and envelopes her in a warm hug. I smile to myself.

"Its good to have you back, little sis." He says, quickly kissing the side of her head. He lets go and she flops back onto the hard hospital pillows. Natasha runs through the doors of her room suddenly. Beth looks over at her and smirks weakly.

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