Moving On

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*One Year Later*

Elizabeth's POV

I wake up to Shoot To Thrill screaming from my phone on the bedside table. Oh, for fucks sake, i can never just fucking sleep, can i? I smack my hand on the table, looking for my phone, and answering it irritably.

"Robert, this better be good because if it isnt, i just might kill you." I say drowsily into the phone, my eyes still closed. Uncle Rob chuckles from the other line.

"Well, good morning to you too you little ray of sunshine." He says brightly into the phone. I groan and roll onto my stomach. Fucking hell, im tired. What's the time? I look over to my alarm clock. 5:45. I hate uncle Rob.

"Now listen, i have another job for you." He says into the phone. I chuckle irritably.

"Last time you said that, it was for Iron Man 3 and i was your PA." I remind him. He laughs into the phone. I have to admit, most directors and actors are dying to have me as their PA and this was only meant to be a side job. Plus, i've only been doing this for a year and i've been to Australia, France, Germany, Russia and all over America. Im doing pretty well, i guess.

"Seriously, this one starts tomorrow in London so you'll be flying out to the set over there. There will be travel to Iceland but thats nothing you cant handle. The director asked for you and it'll be for one of the main characters. You in?" He asks. I sigh. I havent been to England yet and there's very little chance at all im going to run into...him. Yeah. Lets go to England.

"Yeah. Alright." I stand up and begin packing my shit sleepily. Uncle Rob chuckles lightly.

"Good...because i already put your plane ticket through your mail hole thingy." I laugh into the phone.

"Alright uncle Rob, i'll call you when i land." We say goodbye and hang up the phone. I quickly finish packing and getting dressed. Of course i would find it completely normal to be flying to England at a moments notice. Isnt that how you spend your mondays? I laugh at my thought. I walk to the front door and pick up my plane ticket that is lying on the floor. My flight leaves in 20 minutes. Fucking fabulous. Im not taking the impala and leaving it in the carpark. Fuck that. I'll get a cab. I grab my stuff and run downstairs, hailing a cab from the sidewalk. The yellow vehicle pulls up next to me and i get in, shoving my bag in next to me.

"Where you goin', darlin'?" The cab driver asks me. I flick my hair off of my face and sigh. I didnt get to have my fucking coffee. Well, this is an eventful morning.

"JFK airport, please." I say to him. We take off down the street and no more than 10 minutes later arrive at the airport. I get out and rip my suitcase out behind me. I walk into the cool air of the busy airport and 10 minutes later, im boarding my direct flight to London. I take a deep breath and feel the plane lift into the air. A little girl of about 9 is sobbing next to me. I glance over at her. Oh fuck, what do i do in this situation?

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask her hesitantly. Her brown eyes glance up at me and she quickly wipes at her wet cheeks. No adult is sitting next to her. Her parents are probably somewhere else on the plane. She glares at me furiously so i shrug and look outside at the clouds that are now beneath me. She clears her throat.

"Whats your name?" She asks me quietly. I smirk and swivel to face her.

"Elizabeth. Yours?" I ask her. She half smiles and looks up at me.

"Monica." She says. I nod and smile softly at her. Why was she crying? Ugh. I dont want to be awake right now. And i sure as fuck didnt expect to be going to England today. I sigh.

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