Merry Christmas, Motherfuckers

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*5:23 am*

Tom's POV

"WAKEY WAKEY, HIDDLESDICK." Elizabeth jumps on top of me, startling me awake. I jolt up and stare at her with my best 'are you serious' look. She chuckles and rolls over to lie next to me. I prop myself up on one elbow and blink at her tiredly. Jesus, its too early for this.

"Do you have any idea what time it is, darling?" I ask, my voice low and gravelly in the cold morning air. She laughs and nods, rolling on top of me and kissing my lips gently.

"Time for you to get the fuck up. Its Christmas, and as the winner of the nerf gun battle we had yesterday i am allowed to tell you to get the fuck up." She says. Ugh. I snake my arms around her thin waist.

"I still maintain that i hit you with that last bullet." I say to her. She covers my mouth with her hands, laughing. I chuckle and sit up, Beth still straddling my hips.

"You tell lies, Mr. Hiddleston. By the way, your car is a heap of shit." She says between her laugh. She releases her hands from my mouth and lets her hands slide down my bare torso. I thought i got redressed when i got up earlier this morning. I look down at what Beth is wearing: my black button up. Yeah, she wasnt dressed when i got up. Dear god. Im naked.

"Is that so?" I ask her. She chuckles and nods, pressing her lips to mine. My hands trace their way up her back, pulling her into me.

"Tell me something, darling," i begin against her lips. She smiles and connects her eyes with mine almost instantly. This morning, they are a vibrant aqua-like colour, staring playfully from her pale skin.

"Are you wearing anything under that shirt?" I ask. She bites her bottom lip and tucks that one bit of hair behind her ear.

"Yep." She replies. I chuckle and shake my hand, bringing my fingers teasingly on the top button. She quickly clasps her hand over the top of mine, cocking on eyebrow.

"You tell lies, Miss Thompson." I say to her, repeating her words. She laughs and pushes me back, my head smacking against the pillow. She crashes her lips to mine as my fingers fumble with the buttons on the shirt.

"Is that so?" She asks, chuckling softly. I rapidly flip her onto her back and start kissing down her collarbone. An involuntary moan escapes her lips. I rip off her shirt and run my hands down the bare skin of her waist. I hitch up her legs, locking my lips to hers. Holy shit. Her fingers dance gently down my chest. She's going to be the death of me one day, i already know it.


*11:35 am*

"But there will be pudding, right?" I ask for the billionth time today as we walk through the front door with the drinks we bought for tonight. Beth laughs then groans.

"Yes, Thomas. There is going to be fucking pudding. Please, for the love of god, stop asking." She replies, putting down a few bottles of vodka on the kitchen sink. She insisted on getting it.

"Why do you drink vodka?" i ask, looking at the bottles. She laughs and shrugs, walking to the fridge.

"On my 14th birthday, uncle Rob gave me some of his glass of straight vodka and said 'dont tell your mom, Ellie, alright?' We both laughed so hard when mom found out. That was the first drink i ever had, i guess. And by the way, i fucking told you your car is a heap of shit. God, i miss Moriarty." She says, pulling a bag of marshmallows out of the fridge. I cock one eyebrow. Did i really just see that?

"Darling, why were the marshmallows in the fridge?" I ask. After eating one, she stops and looks down at the bag confused. I hold back a laugh.

"Why the fuck were the marshmallows in the fridge?" She asks herself, placing the packet on the counter and folding her arms. I chuckle and walk over to her, pulling her grumpy self in towards me and kissing her forehead. She wraps her arms around my waist and puts her head on my chest.

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