Chapter 45: Ignorance Is Bliss

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December 31 – 9:19 PM

Honestly, I didn't think I'd be going to any New Year's Eve party this year– and I probably wouldn't be if it weren't for Avery. She insisted some distraction would be good for me, and where better to get distraction than at my ex-boyfriend's house filled with people I don't know, each with stories I've never heard and resolutions I'll never hear? Delving into that mass of people may just have the same effect on me as looking at the stars does. It's like surrounding myself with a bunch of dots who are just as small as I am.

Mindy and Sam are walking with us to the party. The four of us got ready together at Avery's house since her mom and stepdad were out. They're throwing this huge New Year banquet, like they do each year. If you think popularity fades after high school, look at Avery's councilman stepdad and campaign advisor mom, and think again.

"This is a joke. Right?" Mindy's eyes nearly pop out of her head when we arrive at Levi's house. His gated white mansion is three stories high, there's windows all around, a small pond in the front yard which looks like something straight out a Japanese garden. Usually Levi's parents never let him throw parties unless it's his birthday, but I suppose they feel like they have to show him some lenience after everything that's happened with his dad. I liked his parents when we were dating, but they do have a tendency to apologize and show kindness through materiality– such as by letting him throw parties at their house and giving him way more money than a teenager could ever responsibly spend. Hence his humongous collection of game consoles that he barely even touches.

"Ugh," Sam looks disgusted. "I hate modern architecture."

"And I thought your house was huge." Mindy shoots a look at Avery, whose house we just came from.

"Honey, there's diplomatic money, and corporal money. Politicians include people in what they spend. Big shot businesspeople, well..." She stares at Levi's mansion. "They keep it in the family."

"And none of the money goes to preserving our climate, ending wars, aiding third world countries, or fixing really any contemporary challenges we face." Sam grins. "They're gonna let all of us starve while they repopulate the world with their capitalistic babies."

I snort at Sam, even if what she's saying is accurate. I buzz the button next to the gate while I scan the groups of people gathered outside of Levi's house. The first thing I hear through the speaker is muffled music. Then Levi's voice: "Who goes there?"

I glance at my friends, hoping any of them will do the talking. But Mindy crosses her arms, grinning at me cheekily. Avery gestures for me to go ahead. I roll my eyes and press the button to speak.

"Hi Levi, it's–"

"Jamie!" He blares, prompting me to raise my eyebrows. So, Levi's drunk. The only other time I've heard him call me Jamie was at his birthday bash last Summer. He threw up over himself and almost jumped into his pool from the balcony, before I practically tied him to his bed.

"Get your butt in here." He speaks drearily. It takes a minute, but the gates open before us. When we strut through, they don't shut. Levi's probably too drunk to remember to close them. In another lifetime, I would run inside to warn him about it. But in this lifetime, I follow my friends inside, and let him handle it himself.

I puff out a sigh as I let the party-atmosphere submerge me. The music is very loud, but it doesn't bother me as much as it usually does. Looking around, I don't recognize even half of these people. Huh. I guess Austin wasn't kidding when he said people from Havelock and New Port were gonna be here.

"I'm getting a beer, do you guys want one?" I raise my voice.

Mindy and Sam share a glance. They seem to have a telepathic conversation about whether or not they're drinking tonight. They eye me and nod in synch.

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