Chapter 40: Goddamn Flying

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December 1 – 4:03 PM

It's my first day back at work since the renovation. Nielson's is an event rental service store. We sell basic things like cups and balloons, but we also rent furniture and staff when people want to organize events like Bar Mitzvahs or charity dinners. We mostly do weddings, since Nielson's owns a big venue up-town in Trent Woods. It's this beautiful spot that overlooks the river with an inside and outside seating area. It's popular all over the state. Most of New Bern business comes from parties and boats.

And criminal activities, but oh well.

"Paisley," Mindy takes my attention away from packing up delivery boxes. "Someone's asking for you at the counter."

Mindy and I spent the first hours of our shift catching up. It feels like it's been years since I've last spoken her. She came out to her parents last month with her girlfriend, Sam. They've been dating for at least a year, but Mindy was terrified to tell her parents because of how conservative they are. They've been very supportive, though, and Mindy's happiness is plain to see in her eyes when she talks about it.

Mindy takes over my chore while I go out front. Avery's waiting by the counter, hands in the pockets of her plaid jacket.

"Hey girl." A smile lights up her face.

"Hey, what brings you here?"

"My stepdad asked me to rent some extra high tables for his charity event on Thursday. I could've just called, but I knew you were working today."

"Even more people signed up?" I log into the computer. Last I remember, there were already a thousand people on Gerald Moorey's guest list. With Avery's stepdad being a councilman, and Avery's mom working as campaign manager, they make quite the eminent couple in this town. To maintain the prestige, they throw plenty of events with proper invitations and guest lists and everything.

"More like Gerald reeled even more people in." Avery's eyebrows raise, like she's unsurprised. "But while I'm here, I wanted to check up on something." She drums her fingers on the counter. I blink at her, not knowing what she's on about.

"Paris. Have you thought about it?"

A smile crosses my face at her phrasing. But I shake my head. "Ave..." There's a beat, space that is filled up by me ticking the keyboard.

"What? You haven't had time to think about it yet?"

"It's not happening. I told you that." I keep my eyes on the screen.

"But you didn't even look into it?" The affront in her voice cuts through me like a knife.

"I did," I look at her. "It just didn't take me that long, because if you haven't noticed, Paris is insanely far away from here." I laugh a little.


My fingers stop moving, resting on the keyboard. I glower at my best friend, but she's clearly unaffected. "What do you mean so? Is that not a good enough reason?"

"Paisley, your top school is UPenn. Philadelphia is just as far from New Bern by car, as Paris is by plane. You lose a day traveling back home." Avery hits me with the facts. She's clearly prepared for a discussion. I don't know why I expected any different.

"It's not the same and you know it." I say. "I can't just... hop on a plane to Paris, and not care about how it's going to affect the people around me. It's not that easy." A surprisingly sharp tone comes out of my mouth. Maybe because I know Avery won't take a simple 'no' for an answer.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't care." Avery tightens her eyes. "But I ask you about Paris, and the first thing you say in disregard of it, is how it would affect the people around you. What about you?"

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