Chapter 22: The Truth Would Break A Girl Like You

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September 25 – 3:13 PM

"I'm gonna get like, seven different flavors."

"I'm getting some extra pints to put in the freezer at home."

"My God, you are a genius."

I trail behind Avery and Will as we walk to Avery's car. It's the last day the ice cream parlor is open before it shuts down for the Winter season. From how much ice cream we always eat on the last day, you'd think we visit the place every week. There's just something about grabbing everything you can while it's still there.

Avery and Will rave on while I get distracted by the sound of a vague hiphop beat. I let my eyes travel across the school yard.

It doesn't take long before I find the grey car on the side of the road. A Camaro. A hand sticks out of the window, holding a cigarette as smoke wafts through the opening. I can see the side of Cyrus' face as he goes to take a drag from the cancer stick in his hand. Rafa Rayas is behind the wheel. There's a girl in the back.

He's watching someone.

My eyes fly to the school building behind us. People stream out of the school nonstop, clumped together. It's hard to spot just one. But luckily, linebacker Troy Wallace is as big as a tree, and I find Levi at his side. I witness the exact moment Levi realizes Cyrus is here. The fear that jumps in his eyes. The look he gives Troy. They head into our direction with their heads bowed down. They get into Levi's car quickly.

I glare at the grey Camaro. What's left of the cigarette is flicked away. Rafa takes off with shrieking tires. I have to bite my tongue, or else I'm afraid I'll growl in response to this. He's letting Levi know he's always just around the corner. I wonder if that'll ever stop for the next eighteen months that Danny's in jail.

"There's Sienna." Avery announces.

I turn my head. Sienna steps out of the school with books clamped in her hands. Avery unlocks her car. I wait for her and Will to get in while I meet Sienna halfway.

"Hey, Sen."

She smiles. I look to Avery's car, but the doors are closed.

"I need a favor." I eye Sienna.

"Sure, anything." She adjusts the strap of her backpack.

"...I need you to cover for me."

"Why? Where are you going?" She asks.

"I have to talk to Cyrus."

She gives me an alerted gaze. "Paisley... You can't."

"I'm not going to yell at him, or anything. But Levi's father's name is hurt permanently. He's taunting Levi, now."

"And you think Cyrus will stop that just because you asked nicely?"

"No, of course not. I'm just going to ask him what he wants. Nicely."

Sienna tilts her head. "I don't know, Pais..."

"Come on, it doesn't have to be dangerous. I know he's the leader of a scary cartel, but he's still a person capable of having a conversation. What's something he likes? You know, something I can start off with to ease the tension."

"You mean, other than violence? And guns?"

"Everyone has a guilty pleasure. You said Danny likes Harry Potter."

"Yeah, but that's Danny. I... dated him." She flinches at her own use of the past tense. "Cyrus may have been my brother-in-law, sort of. But that doesn't mean I was ever really close to him. And that doesn't even matter, because you shouldn't do this in the first place." Sienna shakes her head at herself. I open my mouth to rebuttal, when a car horn blares behind me– four times.

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