Chapter 14: Let It Go

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September 9 – 4:49 PM

"I think that was the weirdest gossip session we've ever had." Avery says as we step inside the elevator.

"Agreed. I shouldn't have started with that part. I just couldn't help myself." I sigh.

"That part?" Avery frowns. "You mean there are more parts to the story?"

"Not that story. The initial story was that Levi kissed me last night."

"What?!" She shrieks. "Levi kissed you at the party? I didn't even know he was there."

I rub my face, moaning in exhaustion. "Lucky you."

"How'd that happen?"

"I'm not sure. First, he made out with Stacey in front of me, to help me get over him, in his words. Then at the end of the night he told me he missed me and he just..." I gesture at my lips. I don't even want to say it.

"Oh, Levi, Levi, Levi," Avery shakes her head. "Do better."

"I don't know what's the matter with him."

"I do." Avery says. We exit the elevator on the bottom floor. "Levi's a guy of habit. He's used to being liked. Used to being loved by Paisley James. And now you don't like him anymore, so you're suddenly a lot more interesting."

Wow. It didn't even take her a minute to explain Levi's inexplicable actions.

"He texted me this morning." I mutter as we leave the building. "He wants to talk to me."

"Give me your phone." Avery stops by the doors. I frown at her. "Give it." She pulls it from my hands. Her fingers start to move faster than lightning. By the time I've recaptured my phone, she's already sent him a text in my name.

Me: I can't talk to you about this. I need some time on my own, please don't try to call or contact me. I think some space would be good for the both of us.

I know Levi: this message is going to sting. But I also know myself: I never would have sent this text without Avery, no matter how badly I needed to.

"Thanks for making decisions for me."

"Always have, always will." Avery rubs my arm. "Hey, how'd you get here?"

We halt on the parking lot.

"I got a ride."

"Great. Then we can walk to Jesse's house together and pick up my car." She wiggles her car keys in the air. "Who gave you a ride?"

"Jace, actually. I was at his grandpa's garage, remember?" I put my phone away. When I look up, Avery's smiling.


"Nothing. That's sweet of him."

I roll my eyes. I know that tone in her voice.

"So... Jace being a Rayas is not gonna stop you from making a move, is it?" She grins at me.

"What's gonna stop me from making a move, is the fact that I don't want to." I smile back at her. Now she rolls her eyes. "Of course you don't. You never know what you want until it happens, and then you're like: oh, yeah. This is okay. You're a messy bitch like that."

I shake my head. I can't exactly disagree. I'm not a great planner.

"How about you?" I nudge her with my elbow. "Did you want to land in this Reeve's bed last night?"

"Actually, yeah." She says in all seriousness. "I had my eye on him from the moment we got to Jesse's party. I wasn't going to act on it, but then he came up to me first. I worked my magic while you were dancing with Austin."

Catchfly: Seeing StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora