You're wrong. I could never forget about you. It's just that I don't even know how to even begin to look for you.

Lila stopped in front of Gabrielle.

You say that but we both know that you haven't even tried in who knows how long.

Gabrielle watched as her sister turned away from her.

It's clear that you've made your choice for who you actually care about. I hope you're happy with the choice you made Gabrielle and that woman is worth turning your back on your own family.

The young woman began walking away as Gabrielle called after her.

No Lila, wait.

Gabrielle tried to go after her sister but found herself unable to move from where she stood as she desperately tried to follow Lila who was quickly getting further and further away.

Come back. Lila!

Gabrielle struggled to move but couldn't as the sky above her suddenly grew dark and Lila slipped further out of her reach as Gabrielle continued to call out to her.

Lila, Lila. Lila!

Suddenly everything around her flashed to complete darkness and a moment later Gabrielle's eyes shot open as she sprang forward.

Lila wait! I...

Gabrielle looked around as her mind became clear, and she realized that she was sitting on the bed in her room in the Conqueror's keep.

Another nightmare?

Gabrielle sighed as she rubbed her eyes to feel the few tears that she had apparently shed in her sleep.

(Thinking to herself) I've been having more and more of those lately.

She turned to move to the edge of the bed and looked out the window to see that it was morning as her thoughts went back to her dream.

I haven't forgotten Lila, mother, everyone else. I haven't forgotten about any of you. I promise.

Snow was falling outside as Gabrielle stood among the shelves in the archives with an armful of scrolls that she was putting away after they had been returned. She had just gotten finished and stepped back to check her work when Sara walked over to her.

Why am I not surprised that you're done putting all those papers away already?

Gabrielle shrugged slightly as she looked over at the archivist.

I guess I'm just a fast worker.

I'm pretty sure we've already established that.

Sara smiled and stood looking at the shelf.

You know Gabrielle, you're so efficient with what you do around here that you don't really leave me with much else to do.

The archivist turned to Gabrielle as she continued.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang