Chapter 125 - Variety Show (26)

Start from the beginning

As their eyes met, a cold smile appeared on Alexandria's face.

"You must think you're all that to catch Kaiser Grayson's attention? You must be thanking your lucky stars that a small-time nobody like you did a job that allowed you to meet Roman. Otherwise, how would you dare to be here? I'm sure your head is swelling to the roof because Roman is calling you sister-in-law, but you don't know he does that to any girl Kaiser talks to. You're not special."


Shrugging, Valentina continued washing her hands without a care in the world.

Seeing that her words weren't having the effect she wanted, Alexandria continued with a dark smile.

"You don't deserve him, you know. Only well-bred noble people like my sister who can match up deserve him. A gold-digging tramp like you who only has a pretty face should just know your place and disappear."

"Ah. Then you should tell your sister to take him. What do his actions have to do with me? He's a grown man. I'm not some puppet master controlling him to do my bidding."

Meeting Alexandria's gaze in the mirror, Valentina gave her a small smile.

Seeing that Valentina was acting unphased, Alexandria decided to switch tactics. She wanted to get her riled up so she could go complain to Kaiser about her two-faced manners. Finally, he would see her true colors and maybe even realize how good Alexandria was.

"In fact, the only reason he's with you is for that foxlike face of yours and that whorelike body which I'm sure you've spread around town. Do you know how many qualified women are chasing him? How many marriage proposals enter his door? And you think you can keep him? You're just a placeholder."

"Fine by me. I don't know about the women chasing him, and I don't care to know. It has nothing to do with me. Truly, I don't know why you're telling me this. Please go tell him, and if he wants to leave me or whatever you're imagining, he can. That way, I can stop having this meaningless conversation. You may have time to waste, but I certainly don't."


"If you like Kaiser Grayson so much, no need to tell me or bring up your sister, go and confess to him directly."

Valentina marched over to Alexandria, her expression cold as she met her eyes and forced the other woman to retreat.

"Also, watch the way you speak to and in front of Luca. You were incredibly rude earlier and clearly are the one who lacks manners. Because the next time you say something that hurts him, I won't let you off. I'll make you totally regret messing with my kid. Both you and that red-haired nephew of yours. Got it?"

Although the words were said in a calm, even tone, Alexandria still felt a shiver go down her spine as she felt herself getting sucked into those sharp green eyes. Her breath felt stuck, and her heart started beating rapidly. It felt like if she gave the wrong response, she would get sliced by a thousand knives, that's how intense Valentina's eyes were right now.

Gasping, she mumbled a yes, and as if the previous tension was just a joke, Valentina gave her an angelic smile, her green eyes curving happily while a dimple appeared on her cheek, making her look like a young, charming girl who hadn't seen the world.

As Alexandria watched, Valentina's smile became more seductive, really making her look like a fox demon here to suck a person's soul out. She reached out and grabbed something, and her long slender fingers brushed Alexandria's hair out of the way before flicking the item away.

"You had some lint on you, but don't worry, I got it. We can't have you looking bad in front of your crush now, can we?"

When she heard the mocking words, Alexandria's face turned red and she quickly sputtered before cursing at Valentina.

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