Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! - Chapter Ten

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Dawn was only a couple of hours away. I had to get the monster to the Hall before then. The door to our barn was ajar. My heart sank for a long moment. I froze before entering the barn. 'Had hunters followed Mum here?' I brushed that notion aside. The only people that would go inside this barn would be the owners, the daughter, or her father. I'd only met them once in the many weeks we'd been here. This farm is located on the outskirts of the city. It's off the beaten path and far from the main roads. I sat the packs James gave me by the door. With careful steps, I enter inside. I was stunned at what I saw. The farmer's daughter was squatting in front of Mum. I was frozen with fear. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I could barely breathe. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my mind was racing. I was so scared that I thought I was going to die. I didn't know what was happening or what was going to happen next. I was completely and utterly terrified.

I needed to stay calm, or else things could get out of hand. If she came here because of June, then any rash action would be her downfall. June was a powerful and dangerous monster, and she would not hesitate to strike down anyone who threatened her. If the girl wanted to survive, she would need to be very careful and plan her moves carefully. She could not afford to make any mistakes, or June would make sure she paid the price. That was just June; that didn't account for how vastly powerful and dangerous Mum was. Between the two of them, that girl didn't have a chance. I made sure to remain calm as I approached, speaking clearly but non-threatening.

"Mum... It's me... Adam. Is everything okay?" I asked calmly.

June peeked around the girl's shoulder as the blonde girl turned. She didn't look like she was terrified in the least bit. When she stood up, I realized she was holding June's hand. I couldn't believe what I was saying. This person was treating June like the ten-year-old child she was. The later time I saw her, I hadn't gotten a good look at her. She kept her head down and let her father do all the talking. Only now could I see her face clearly, even in the dim light of her lantern. The pale-skinned blonde girl had brilliant amber eyes. Her face was oblong, with prominent cheekbones, an upturned nose, round eyebrows, and heart-shaped lips. She had an oversized bust with a petite figure, robust thighs, and slender legs. She wore a light sky blue summer dress that women farmers typically wore. She wore a white apron and simple sandals. The girl's hair draped over her shoulders to her knees and was fashioned into a long braided ponytail.

The girl saw how surprised I was and cleared her throat. "Oh, forgive me, sir. I was just checking on your Mother. I come here before the three suns rise to see if you or her need anything. It was not my intention to invade your privacy," the girl said.

"Uh, that's really not the problem here," I mumbled. "How are you not in abject fear?"

"Oh, well, your Mother told me you were her son. I come here to talk to her sometimes too. I hope that's okay," she said.

I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. This girl was unaffected by Mum or June.

"Is Papa okay?" June asked, breaking my thoughts.

"He... he led the bad people away. I haven't seen him since, but I'm sure he is fine. He took something that made his wounds heal," I explained the best I could.

In truth, I wasn't sure. For all I knew, he could be dead, but June seemed relieved.

"Yes, Papa has elixirs that can do that. They make him really strong when he drinks them!" June revealed.

"Does Mr. Bedell know about my Mum, Elara???" I asked.

She smiled and blushed before answering. "You remembered my name... how nice," Elara said. "But yes, he knows about Mrs. von Yeager. Don't fret, she is safe here."

Her words caught me by surprise. I'd seen her working around the farm often during the day but never had the courage to converse with her. Mum's safety was a higher priority than making friends. But if I'd talked to her, I could have discovered her natural talent to calm monsters. Knowing her father knew meant that they had kept our secret all along. What was the most surprising was that she could talk to Mum. 'How was that possible?' I had to find out.

"Elara, how can you talk to monsters?" I asked.

"Well, June here can talk on her own. As for your Mum, well, I just can hear her words. It's second nature to me. Although some monsters either refused to communicate out of evilness or they have their own reasons. Becoming a monster is a choice for some," Elara explained.

I couldn't fathom what she meant. 'People choose to become monsters?' A sound startled me from behind. It was her father, Laurence Bedell. He had a long rifle in his hands. Commoners don't have access to those types of weapons. Only the military or an organization like the Holy State has the resources for this advanced object.

"Elara, take these good people to the Halls of the Holy State," Mr. Bedell stated. "They've finally come."

The towering and burly old man tossed the packs I'd placed outside easily at my feet. His golden amber eyes were filled with a solid resolve that reminded me of my brother. He turned and walked out the door. Before disappearing into the night, he said something to me.

"Take care of my daughter Elara, boy...," the old man said.

He was gone before Elara could stop him. She raced outside behind him.

"Father!" Elara yelled. She turned to me with wide eyes filled with fear and sadness in her eyes. "Knights of The Brotherhood of Naissance have found us again. We have to go now! Father will do his best to slow them down," she explained.

This was the second time I heard this name. The attackers at June's home were Knights from this Brotherhood of Naissance. I had to find out who they were.

"What is this Brotherhood of Naissance?" I blurted out in confusion.

"There's no time to explain! The Hall is our only safe haven for now!" she said, running to June and my Mum, taking their hands.

Elara didn't waste any time taking them out of the barn. I grabbed James's backpack and heavy satchel and raced behind her. Just as we went to the edge of the farm, I saw them—four dozen armored warriors, just like the ones at June's mansion. They were blocking the road, and they looked like they were ready for a fight. Elara stopped and turned to me.

"We need to find another way out of here," Elara said.

I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. We turned and ran back into the barn, looking for a way to escape. But there was no way out. The enemy was fast approaching.

The soldiers charged at us as soon as they saw us, but the loud boom stopped them dead in their tracks. A gaping hole was left in one of their chests after he fell to the ground. A second crash came from a different direction, shattering the armor of another warrior. He also collapsed to the ground, unmoving. I didn't stop to witness the next series of loud thunder-like crashes. I was right behind Mum, June, and Elara. I could feel the ground shaking beneath my feet as the thunder rumbled through the air. The wind began howling as the rain was coming down in sheets. I could barely see in front of me. I just kept running, following the sound of my Mum, June, and Elara.

After a strenuous race for safety, we finally found ourselves amidst the sheltering embrace of the trees, yet even within their protective canopy, our sense of security remained tenuous at best. It is possible that monster hunters may be present in the shadows at any given location. The suns would soon be up, and we had to get to the Hall before then. If we didn't, Mum and June would be seen, and that would only draw more dangerous hunters to us. The hunters were always looking for monsters and wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who got in their way, either. We had to be careful, and we had to move fast. The three suns were rising quickly, and the light was getting brighter. We had to get to the Hall before it was too late.

Finally, the Hall was there, down the street. People were just beginning to start their day. Mum put her hood up, and Elara kept June close, hiding most of her terrifying features. As we hurried down the street, avoiding running into or too close to any commoner, I spotted Sister Rachael and Sister Diane. Elara, June, and Mum raced up the stone stairs to the giant double doors. The two sisters open the door for us, and we disappear from the sight of the public, safe from the hunters and that Order.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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