Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! - Chapter Two

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"Dear Sister of the State Exorcists of the Holy State Imperial Order, residing at this Hall of Order in the city of Siciopolis,

I am addressing this letter to anyone who shall find it in their possession once it has been delivered. With a heavy heart and an emptiness I cannot fill, I write this note, a plea for mercy and forgiveness. I hope that the letter finds its intended recipient, whether by luck or by fate, and that they find my situation worthy of their time and consideration. To my disadvantage, I must make two significant requests and, as such, a favor to myself from those who read this message. The first will be self-explanatory, but the second is far more dire and complex. As much as I might prefer to be discreet and remain anonymous, I cannot. Allow me to introduce myself - I am High Inquisitor Allen von Yeager, hailing from the beautiful town of Dresdenberry. I am reaching out to you with utmost sincerity and honesty.

I understand the circumstances surrounding the discovery of this letter are strange, and some might even regard the requests written within as fantastical and impossible. Despite this, I assure the reader that if you have acquired this letter, it is with the utmost sincerity and urgency that I ask these favors. I humbly beseech you to hear out my tale, to read and give consideration to the words that I have written. The events that befell my loved ones and, in turn, myself are both tragic and terrifying. For these reasons, I dare hope that these words will be met with compassion rather than with disbelief or denial.

Please, I implore you. I beseech you. Listen carefully to my plea.

First, I am writing to recommend the incredible talents and bravery of my dear brother Adam von Yeager, who has proven time and time again to be a true asset in the fight against monsters. Through his unwavering determination and unwavering resolve to protect humanity, he has proven to be an invaluable member of any team. My brother's ability to stay calm under pressure and think creatively in tense situations has led to countless victories against the most terrible of foes. Undoubtedly, my brother Adam von Yeager would excel in any role they took on, and I am honored to have worked alongside them.

I strongly recommend Adam von Yeager for any position that requires bravery, determination, and a commitment to facing adversity. As someone who has met their own primal fears and fought against monsters, he has demonstrated an impressive level of resilience and resourcefulness. Adam von Yeager possesses a rare combination of physical and mental strength, making him an invaluable asset in any environment. I believe he has the potential to excel in any field he chooses to pursue, and I am confident in his ability to succeed in any challenge he will undertake. I humbly beseech you, whoever may come across this letter, to find some way to employ my dear brother, Adam von Yeager, as a State Exorcist of the Holy State Imperial Order.

Now, onto my second and much more dire request. I employ you to hear out my words and my plea for assistance. My mother has been turned into a savage, monstrous thing, incapable of understanding speech or reason, except for my brother, Adam von Yeager. Her once angelic countenance is nothing more than a hideous visage of scales and fangs. Her afflictions come from not a sin of her own but a sin of our father and uncle. My brother has worked tirelessly over the last decade to rectify the affliction my mother suffers from.

I am aware of the dangers my mother may pose to those who cross her path and of the devastation my plea may incur. Yet, I cannot stand the thought of my mother being lost to this beast she has become. Thus, I implore you to heed my warning and assist me in any way possible to restore my mother back to the loving, gentle person she once was.

My mother is but a young maiden who has been turned into a hideous monster, deprived of the most basic of all her faculties. She has been stripped of her humanity to the point of no longer recognizing her own reflection in the mirror. In her affliction, she cannot age and thus cannot hope to ever find everlasting peace in death.

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