Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! - Chapter Four

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The darkness is like a vortex, absorbing all light. Then, Mother Superior Euphemia raises her staff spectator, and an illuminating light pierces the darkness of the prison cell. Then, I saw something I had never seen before. It was a girl, but not a human girl, lying on the wet stone floor, her clothing dirty and tattered. The girl slowly lifts her head, and I see her face framed by thick lashes, and her face is almost too pretty, almost perfect. As our eyes met, the monster girl bared fangs and hissed at me. Her hair was long and golden, like a wild lion's, flowing down her back past her hips in soft waves. Her piercing azure blue eyes were wide like a feline, like that of a predator waiting to pounce. The girls' ears are elongated and pointed. She had a slight smile on her face. Her porcelain pale skin looks tougher and thicker than the hardest rhino leather.

She was definitely not human, but she was beautiful simultaneously, with a curvaceously slender physique like a feline. The girl had pointed ears and sharp teeth, like some kind of monster. I couldn't take my eyes off her; she was so fascinating. Her skin was smooth and radiant, and her curves were alluring. This creature was at least five feet seven inches tall, but I knew her size was a facade. Thick and substantial sharp black claws protrude from her fingers, and she possesses saber tooth-like fangs in her mouth. Her jaw and mouth are overly large as it boosts massive predator-like teeth capable of ripping her prey apart limb by limb. The monster girl was more athletically fit than the most capable monster hunter, as her muscles flexed under her skin.

Looking at the monster girl before me, I was taken aback by her sheer beauty and power despite her grueling appearance. She was tall and slender with long, silky, thick hair like a lion's mane that fell past her shoulders. I watched her slowly sit up and begin crawling toward me, and I could feel my heart beating faster than ever before. She had a mouth that could make one swoon and a body that would make any man beg for mercy. I could tell from her expression that she wasn't one to be messed with, but at the same time, something about her captivated me. As I watched this feminine creature crawl like a panther gracefully closer and closer, I couldn't help but be in awe of her beauty. It was impossible not to notice how her hips swayed along with the motion of her hands as she placed one hand after another on the ground. She let out a low guttural growl as she drew closer to me.

My eyes widened as I took in her petite frame, her muscle definition clearly visible on her arms with each motion she took. The air seemed to vibrate with the power emanating from her body, my stomach twisting into knots from fear mixed with awe. I wanted to take a step back, but I couldn't move, held in place by her sheer presence. Yet there's also something... adorable about her. Like a kitten that can rip you apart if you're not careful. Despite her menacing appearance, I feel strangely attracted to her as she glares down at me with her large, blue eyes going from azure blue to a burning bright golden as the hair on her back begins growing. Her size seemingly doubles over the course of a minute. She stops in front of me and stands up, revealing she stands over thirteen feet tall. She simply looks down at me. Mother Superior Euphemia, Sister Rachael, or Sister Diane simply stand aside as this creature sizes me up. When you look into her eyes, you can see her soul's depths and feel your heart pounding with excitement.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward, courage coursing through my veins. The towering monster in front of me stepped closer, bringing the raging lioness hair down over me like a blanket. I could feel the warm breath and hear the monster's heartbeat. The golden hair beast was so close that it felt like my skin was crawling. But I didn't want to back away. Her beauty and her strength so enchanted me. It was the first time I had come face to face with a monster of this caliber save for my own Mother, and I was smitten. I felt goosebumps on my skin and butterflies in my stomach. She was so breathtaking that I couldn't look away. Her warm breath clouded my vision. I was enchanted and mesmerized by her presence and couldn't look away.

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