Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! - Prologue

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Monsters plague our world, and this wasn't the first time something horrifying had happened. I'd heard rumors; we all did. Monsters were a common pest in our little village, with no magic to protect us from the hordes of beasts roaming around. But this time, it felt different. In the early hours of the morning, just after midnight, my mother's screams woke me up with a loud crashing noise, followed by the howling sound of a loud bang. I dashed upstairs to investigate and was horrified to find my father kneeling beside my mother, who lay pale and motionless on the floor. He looked up at me, his eyes wide with fear and confusion; he'd done something terrible. Something that he shouldn't have done.

He begged me to let him run away, to save himself. He wanted me to run away with him. But I couldn't leave my mother to die. Without a thought, I rushed to my mother's side, but suddenly, she began having seizures. I watch in horror as her body undergoes something I can only describe as a mutation of unknown proportions.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched in horror, my eyes widening in disbelief. The room reverberated with the haunting sound of bones snapping, the sickening scent of blood permeating the air. Each clawed strike from my mother's grotesque form sent tremors through my soul, igniting an indescribable fear deep within me. Time slowed to a crawl as I fell to my knees, paralyzed by the surreal scene unfolding before me. It was as if a nightmarish veil had been lifted, revealing my mother's true, terrifying nature — a monster hidden beneath a façade of love.

"Father! What have you done!" I yelled as tears streamed down my cheek.

I fell to my knees, my heart pounding in terror and disbelief, as a fearsome metamorphosis overtook my mother. With each passing second, her body contorted and twisted into a dreadful, abominable grayish, blush humanoid creature, radiating an aura of darkness. As her snarls and growls filled the room, my father's expression betrayed a mixture of shock and horror. Before any of us could react, my mother lunged at him, her elongated claws ripping through his flesh and bones effortlessly. Blood splattered the walls, the floor becoming a gruesome canvas of carnage.

The sheer brutality of the attack was soul-shattering, a nightmarish scene etched forever in my memory. The fear coursing through my veins was relentless and overwhelming, like the rapid rush of a violent river. Her eyes glow a bright pulsating purple as her mouth growls with rows of sharpened teeth like daggers. She rose from feasting on my father's dead body and turned to me. Fresh blood drips from my mother's lips as her jet-black hair grows longer and longer. The scent of my father's spilled blood hangs high in the air.

My mother, who had always been so kind and gentle, was now a monster. No matter how often I told myself it was true, I couldn't wrap my head around that fact. The woman who had raised me to be brave and strong and shown me what kindness meant was now a creature of pure evil.

Her eyes glowed a bright pulsating purple like a demon. Double rows of sharp teeth filled her once beautiful mouth like rows of daggers. Her jet-black hair fell around her face in unruly tangles. I had thought her kind and loving, a gentle soul that would never ever hurt anyone. This creature was not my mother.

To the rest of the world, she was nothing more than a dangerous creature to hunt down and destroy, but to me, she was still the woman who had given birth to me, loved me, and raised me. As I stared in horror at the monster standing over my father's dead body, I backed away as quickly as possible, my mind swirling with confusion and disbelief. The monster in front of me seemed to have only one thing on its mind - finishing what it had started. The words "my mother is a monster" echoed in my head over and over again, yet I could not believe it.

I feel a lump rise in my throat as I stare at the monster my mother has become. Her gentle, compassionate voice is a distant memory, replaced by a gruff, harsh tone that fills me with fear. Her face may still have her features, but they are twisted into a cruel mockery of her former self. 'How can this be real? How can someone as sweet and gentle as my mother change so drastically?'

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