Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! - Chapter Nine

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June seemed to be warming up to me, showing signs of trusting me more and more despite her initial fear but still slightly scared. Despite her transformation into a dangerous beast, I knew she was a good person at heart—a rare and unusual situation, almost unheard of. Still, caution is a part of my standard practice; after all, monsters are dangerous by nature, and we cannot overlook that fact. June's inner goodness had somehow not become corrupted or lost, overcoming her newfound predatory instincts. She was clearly still wary about her new situation, but I was happy that we were forming a connection, no matter how cautious she was. The fear in her eyes was slowly fading, and I was hopeful that our fledgling friendship would prevail.

I could sense it was a delicate balance raging in her mind, easily broken by the slightest misstep. Her transformation had turned her into a lethal predator, yet she still retained her humanity even though her appearance had changed dramatically. However, faint her lingering humanity might be. One should never underestimate the power of basic kindness. It was as if her inner goodness somehow managed to break through the primal instincts of her new form. I knew I would never be truly safe from her, but I also hoped our friendship could endure. How she had managed to retain her inner virtues despite being transformed into a dangerous beast, I can only assume.

I also knew her father, James Voltaire, was in bad shape. I had to get him back to the Hall to receive the life-saving help he required. That was his only chance at survival, and I was determined to help him. His condition was grave, and without proper treatment, he could quickly decline, and his condition could potentially become irreversible. The Hall was his only hope. The severe wounds from the monster hunters had taken a toll on his body, and he was losing a significant amount of blood. The longer he remained in this state, the more his health would continue to deteriorate. It was crucial for his well-being to receive proper medical care quickly. Every moment counted.

I decided to try to speak with June about her father's current situation. She would have been upset but also needed to know what was happening. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her gently and reassuringly. I wanted her to feel safe, even in this challenging time. I could see the concern and worry on her face, and I knew what kind of impact the news would have on her. But it was vital for her to be aware of her father's condition, regardless of how much it hurt. I tried to be mindful of her feelings, realizing the emotional strain she was undergoing.

"June," I said, "I know that you're scared. But I want you to know that your father is going to be okay. We're going to get him back to the Hall and he's going to get the help he needs."

June looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't want him to die," she said distortedly.

"He's not going to die," I said. "We're going to get him help."

June nodded, but she didn't say anything else. I knew she was still scared, but I also knew that she was starting to feel a little better.

I stood up and helped June to her feet. "Let's go," I said. "We need to get your father back to the Hall."

June nodded as she stood from the bed, and we started walking. Although I knew it would be an arduous and challenging journey, I was determined to get June's father the help he needed, no matter how long it would take.

I gently took the old man over my shoulder to help him walk. The wounds on his body were already well bandaged, and I didn't want to mess with them anymore. With his advanced age, he needed as much care and protection as possible, and I was happy to provide him with all I could. Having him over my shoulder meant that he could still see and interact with his surroundings, and I liked that it made him feel more comfortable and like himself. It was the least I could do for someone still considered my family, even in his current condition. He'd known my father for years and might be the only real family I had left besides my mother and brother.

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