Re: That Time My Mom Got Turned into a Monster! - Chapter One

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Monsters... they were the dread of this world, the embodiment of man's most primal fears, an undeniable reality that we, mortal humans, must confront. A truth that, if denied, would invite nothing but death and destruction upon us. For me, this truth was not some distant legend; it was a tormenting reality that had haunted me for the past decade. Ten years ago, a malevolent shadow had cast its suffocating grip over my life, forever altering the course of my existence. Something precious had been ripped away from me: my mother, a cherished part of my world. My father, driven by some dark force or twisted ambition, had committed unspeakable acts, leaving my mother cursed and condemned.

As I ventured into the depths of the unknown to reclaim her humanity, I found myself constantly on the run. We had to remain separated to protect my mother, a tragic necessity to evade the relentless hunters pursuing her. I had crisscrossed the vast expanse of our world, searching for answers, for salvation, but every avenue led to a dead-end. My father, who had been the architect of this curse, had long since met his own demise, his sins weighing him down to the abyss of his own making. Yet, the revelation of what he had wrought upon my family remained elusive, buried beneath layers of secrets.

My brother, Allan, bore the knowledge of our mother's plight, but we had to keep our distance for her sake. To stand by her side would be to condemn her further. My quest was solitary, fueled by the burning desire to liberate my mother from her cursed form. Ten years had passed, and I remained haunted by my father's transgressions, relentlessly pursuing a way to undo the curse that had shackled my mother. I wandered through desolate landscapes, labyrinthine forests, and decaying ruins, never coming any closer to unraveling the malevolent enigma that had ensnared her.

It was amidst this bleak, seemingly never-ending journey that I stumbled upon a revelation, a glimmer of hope that would guide my path into uncharted territories. The letter in my hand, penned by my brother Allan, bore the promise of salvation, a beacon of light amidst the relentless storm that raged around me. It seemed impervious to the torrential rain that drenched me as if some arcane force shielded it from nature's wrath. Clutched tightly against my chest, the letter became my lifeline, a tangible connection to the answers I so desperately sought.

The Holy State, an entity shrouded in mysticism and reverence, beckoned me. The towering Hall of Order, a monumental edifice that dwarfed all other structures in the city of Siciopolis, stood before me as both a fortress and a sanctuary. Its granite walls, hewn from a nearby mountain, spoke of centuries of unwavering devotion, each block meticulously crafted to perfection. The simplicity of its design belied the power it held, a testament to human ingenuity and divine devotion. The roof, adorned with slate, seemed to reach out to the heavens. At the same time, the stained glass windows cast kaleidoscopic patterns upon the interior.

There were two distinct paths to confront the monsters that plagued our world, and now I stood at the crossroads. The first path was that of the hunters, freelance vigilantes, and bounty hunters who pursued the vile abominations relentlessly. They were driven solely by the desire to exterminate these creatures, regardless of the cost, and operated independently, like shadows in the night. The second path that led me to this hallowed place was that of the State Exorcists of the Holy State Imperial Order. My brother, Allan, was one of these revered figures, a beacon of hope in a world steeped in darkness.

Here, in Siciopolis, the city where the hall loomed over all, my journey would genuinely commence. I was determined to become a State Exorcist, not for glory or prestige, but to save my mother from her wretched fate. The relentless rain, driven by the relentless winds, battered me mercilessly as I stood before the grand entrance, struggling to maintain my footing. The colossal doors, veiled in a cascade of raindrops, loomed like an impenetrable gateway to the unknown. The storm's roar drowned out all other sounds, a cacophony of nature's fury.

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