Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! - Chapter Seven

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All I had to do was bring this newly transformed monster to the Holy State. It was a simple task, but it was also a dangerous one. The monster was powerful and unpredictable, and I knew I would die if anything went wrong. But I also knew that this was my chance to make a difference in the world. If I could bring this monster to the Holy State, it would be a powerful weapon against the more malevolent monsters. I would officially become an Exorcist. So I took a deep breath and was ready to enter the forest. I couldn't use a torch or lantern for fear of giving my location away to the monster or any hunters in the woods.

Over the past ten years, I have encountered many monsters. Some of those times were with my older brother Allen, who trained me in swordsmanship and firearms whenever we crossed paths. I was grateful for his training, as it helped me survive in the dangerous world I inhabited. I knew I would need all my skills to complete my current task, as this monster Mother and I were hunting was newly transformed. This is the most unpredictable time with a monster, but the best time to calm them. During this time, they are still primarily human, and if a loved one could make contact with them, they could help restrain the dark tendencies of monsters.

Mum's dark black cloak hid her more frightening features, such as her sharp teeth and claws. She couldn't wear any kind of footwear except for simple footwraps, which would not provide enough protection for her feet. She preferred to wear boots or shoes that would protect her from the elements and from any potential dangers when she was human. She doesn't require that level of protection anymore as she possesses a remarkable degree of natural protection. Her skin is resilient and durable, capable of withstanding significant wear and tear. In fact, when she becomes upset or agitated, she has the remarkable ability to produce a tough substance through her skin that effectively makes it nearly impossible for anything to penetrate her skin. Overall, my Mother is exceptionally well-equipped to handle whatever challenges come her way. My Mother, Evangeline, leaped ahead as I entered the treeline. I didn't have to follow closely behind her. Mum would stay relatively close by on her own. Especially if hunters or even another monster was nearby.

The importance of focusing on my own abilities was more important to me than anything else. As far as weapons were concerned, I had only a worn katana and two old six-shooter revolvers that were loaded with a few dozen bullets each. Despite the fact that the katana was sturdy, it was near the end of its lifespan. Regarding the two revolvers, each shell is individually crafted by hand for each weapon. To put it simply, I can only make as many as I can afford to make a living. Besides my weapons, I was wearing a simple chainmail shirt. While it was less than helpful against a monster, it was still better than nothing.

I already spotted signs of the target monster on the poster I had. Mother Superior, Doctor Walker, or the Sisters hadn't given me any more information other than the poster with a map. That's generally how these things go. Once someone transforms, they disappear. Sometimes the family survives, but most times they don't. Tracking monsters was a risky profession, even for hunters. Monsters favor ambushing their prey whenever possible, but there are some that enjoy the hunting of humans. Of all the species in our world, humans are the most prone to spontaneous monsterification or spontaneous monster transformation.

The deeper I venture, the more signs of the monster appear. Soon, I came across an old abandoned mansion. This was the location marked on the map on the back of the poster. It was hand drawn, but it was good enough to lead me here. The old mansion atop a hill. It was eerie and foreboding. The moonlight cast a creepy gloom over the land. It also gave away the column of smoke from a campfire over the opposite side of the mansion.

"Monster Hunters," I whispered.

Time was running out. The unfortunate victim would die if they got to the monster before I did. It is common knowledge that new monsters were at their weakest but, at the same time, more dangerous due to this fact. This also was the only time to, in a sense, reach their humanity in a monster. During the first days and weeks of a transformation were crucial. Mum appeared beside me like a silent ghost. Her eyes fluctuated from their normal shimmering blue to a vivid and violent purple. Evangeline could sense both the monster hunters and the monster. We'd brought in newly born monsters before, taking them to my brother Allen. All that was in an attempt to cure my Mother. Due to that, I got really good at seeing in the dark or low light. I checked my two revolvers, and they were loaded. Twelve shots to start off with. I had stun and paralyze rounds loaded. My blade was made out of cold iron and silver plated. Not every beast was susceptible to those metals, but it was a good start.

"Mum... let's go," I whispered.

Evangeline vanished the moment I spoke the words. I had to count on her running interference with the hunters. I wasn't worried about her killing and eating them. Evangeline would only react violently if I was in direct danger. Knowing that I'd gotten excellent at not putting myself in harm's way. When I do, I'm sure to defend myself vigorously. I start my ascent up the hill to the mansion. The terrain is uneven, but I managed to climb my way up until I was at the outer wall. 'What was left of the wall anyway?' It looked like something terrible had happened here. The wall here was almost entirely in ruins.

There were no apparent signs of the beast or the monster hunters. But despite the lack of visible clues, I could feel the presence of both the creature and the hunters searching for it. I could sense their presence. A party of four, no five humans, was in the woods.

It is customary to assemble a well-rounded team when preparing for a hunt against monstrous creatures. Such a team usually comprises of a skilled healer to tend to any injuries sustained during the hunt, a proficient tracker to locate the beast's whereabouts, a skilled archer to inflict damage from afar, two mighty warriors to engage in close combat, and a knowledgeable mage to cast spells and provide magical support. This diverse combination of skills ensures a higher likelihood of success and safety for all members of the party. It is probable that the creature was also aware of the monster hunter's location if I possessed such knowledge.

The mansion looked primarily intact, with only a few signs of wear and tear. The paint was peeling in some places, and the roof was slightly sagging, but overall it was in good condition. The windows were still intact, and the doors were all closed. It was clear that no one had lived in the mansion for a long time, but it was still impressive to see such a large and well-preserved building. It must have been the home of a noble or merchant family at one point, and it was easy to imagine the wealthy residents who once lived there.

Thinking back to the picture, I wondered if the beast had any connection to this place. This place seemed to be a part of the landscape as if it had always been there. I felt sorry for the person who had been transformed into this hideous creature. They must have been through a lot to end up like this. I hoped they were still in there somewhere and could find a way to be human again. It was inevitable that they would kill or be killed at this point in time. In the end, every monster had to suffer the same fate.

With a sense of caution, I made my way toward the open window, keeping my eyes peeled for any sharp shards of glass that may be strewn across the floor. I preferred not to disclose the whereabouts of my current location. Upon entering the premises, one can observe an evident lack of organization within the interior of the house. Items seem to be scattered haphazardly throughout the living space, creating an atmosphere of disorderliness. After drawing my blade, I was ready to face anything that came my way.

A crucial and significant undertaking was on the verge of commencing. I found myself in possession of nothing more than a simple name with no other information to go on. Despite this, I remained hopeful that it would be sufficient to establish contact with the mysterious and potentially dangerous creature I was seeking. The importance of knowing a monster's real name before they transform into a monstrous form cannot be overstated. Knowing a monster's true name was just as much power as knowing its true identity. They could be saved by one name, but their death could be sealed by the other one.

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