36 | Ahri's Secret

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Many Hours Later

Soft rays of moonlight filter through the curtains, casting a glow across the room as you and Evelynn lie tangled in each other's arms taking a well-deserved nap. You stir around, blinking sleepily as you gaze at the woman beside you.

You look at the time, it's 22:52.

Y/N: "Hey Eve, are you awake...?" you whisper.

Evelynn: "Mm... Barely. What's on your mind darling?" she smiles.

Y/N: "I can't stop thinking about... What we did."

Evelynn: "Me too... It was more than I ever dreamed of. Being with you like that... It felt like coming home." Her words made your heart skip a beat.

Evelynn: "And if it means we end up cuddling like this then I really could get used to it."

Y/N: "I love you Eve... More than I can put into words..."

Evelynn: "And I love you, Y/N. More than anything."

Your lips meet in a quick, soft kiss.

Y/N: "...There's just one problem-" You reluctantly say.

Evelynn: "What's wrong?"

Y/N: "I'm very- VERY dehydrated, and very- VERY hungry." you say, earning a laugh from Eve.

Evelynn: "Pfft- Yeah, I could go for a bite aswell. We've been in here for... God- How long has it been?" she says as she looks a the clock. "Oh, I completely lost track of time, we skipped lunch AND dinner."

Y/N: "And now my poor body is slooowly but surely feeling every bit of exhaustion. My throat is sore."

Evelynn: "We've got ways to fix that."

You get up from the bed, trying to avoid the pain of your sore body.

Y/N: "I'm going to the bathroom then I'm going downstairs."

Evelynn: "I'll do the same, just make sure to put some clothes on first." Evelynn says as she gets up from the bed.

You consciously realize that both you and Eve are still fully naked.

Evelynn: "If you don't I'll have to assume you're trying to tease me to stay in bed just a bit longer~" she teasingly says, making you blush. "It's so cute that even after all that you still blush for me~"

Y/N: "Eve- I love you a lot but I'm pretty sure that if I don't give my body a break I will die."

Evelynn: "So what you're saying is- Next time bring snacks and water upstairs. Noted."

Y/N: "That's not- " you pause "You know what, I won't oppose you."

Evelynn: "Good, you're a fast learner!"


You head downstairs and notice the rest of the girls in the living room, you slowly make your way towards them, and once they notice you their heads turn to look at you, their faces a mixture of clear curiosity and honest worry for your well-being.

Although Ahri specifically- Her ears are drooping slightly, and her tails seem limp...

Ahri: "Y/N- Are you okay?! You're walking super slow."

Y/N:"Wa- *cough* Water. Please."

Ahri quickly gets up and hurriedly heads to the kitchen, returning quickly with a glass of water.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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