33 | Healing Bonds

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The next day comes around.

The girls spend the day making calls, yesterday helped them relax so they could be ready for today, but all things considered, it's still a lot to take care of and process, each girl handling their own stresses and worries.

You spent most of your time supporting Evelynn, being by her side, she asked, nearly begged as much.

At some point during the day, Sivir sent you some messages.

Sivir: "Hey Y/N, I know the overall mood and situation are less than ideal, but I have to ask something of you- I know you're already doing it, but right now, be the glue that keeps them together, alright? Especially Evelynn, you know better than anyone that she needs you."

Y/N: "I'll do my best Sivir... I hope everything is ok on your side."

Sivir: "Yeah- Could be better, but I've seen worse days, tell the girls I'll call you all at the end of the day to update you all on Jax's, Riven's, and Quinn's health."

Y/N: "I will, thank you for everything Sivir."

Sivir: "Always, and one more thing- all of you go check the group chat I just made!"

You quickly find out that Sivir has made a group chat for all of you named "The Girlies and Boi  🫶"

Y/N: "Pfftt- Cool"  You snicker to yourself "Hey girls, I don't mean to interrupt anything, but Sivir is asking us to go check a group chat she just made."

All of you check the group chat and find a message Sivir left with a picture below it.

Sivir: "Check this out! Jax is already feeling great!"

Below the message is a picture of Jax in his hospital bed, giving a thumbs up to the camera, with the text: "Word o' wisdom to the rest of ya: the secret to a long life? Not dying."

Everyone softly laughs at the picture, improving the mood.

Kai'sa: "That or not driving with Evelynn behind the wheel."

Akali: "Leave it to Jax to nearly die and still joke about it."


The day continues, and at the end of the day Sivir calls you all, fortunately, Riven, Quinn, and Valor's lives are secured.

Akali: "Oh thank fucking god-"

Sivir: "It's insane that they managed to live through this, to be honest. Ivern had to call in another person from Ionia to help him heal them, otherwise, in his words, they would be dead. His official report said something along the lines of: 'Such a direct, violent exposure to void energy would instantly vaporize a normal person, fortunately for them they are resilient, and although it took time and a lot of help, the residual void energy in them was nearly fully destroyed and their bodies were nearly fully healed.'"

Evelynn: "Nearly?"

Sivir: "Yeah... Sadly Riven completely lost her right leg, too much void energy got into it, turns out."

You, Akali, and Ahri gasp slightly at the news, while Evelynn and Kai'sa simply look down with frustration in their eyes.

Sivir: "But- She was given a solution, since she's not like Jax who can just regrow limbs on a whim, the doctors could, over a more or less long period of time regrow her leg back after the void energy in her was fully expelled, and until then she can be 'decked out' with an advanced prosthetic leg."

Akali:  "Cyborg Riven sounds cool as hell."

Ahri: "*Sigh* That's...  Excellent news, thank you Sivir." Ahri exclaims, after letting out a huge sigh of relief.

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