0 | Prologue

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For future reference:

Y/N = Your name.

L/N = Last name.

Text written in between ' ' means it's a character's thoughts.

Text written in between " " means it's a character's spoken dialog.

Whenever I as the author interject in a chapter, which will happen rarely, it will read as follows:

Narrator Notes:
[Example text]

Keep in mind that this is my first book, while I have a few years of experience writing adventures, fiction, worlds, etc... as a GM, I have never written a book for other people to read directly without me intervening in the experience while they are, well, experiencing it, all criticism is very much accepted and welcomed.

I would also like to credit @thatthrowaway for being the main inspiration for me to start writing, his book, while unfinished, had great quality and pushed me to make my own, I sincerely thank you.

This chapter is mostly a big lore dump, you can skip it if you wish, but it will most likely leave you confused in the coming chapters, as it gives context for the events that will happen.

Quick context: Chapter one will take place when Y/N is 24 years old, while this chapter will cover the story from when Y/N is 10 years old and the origin of his troubles.

From this point onward, the actual lore begins.


Our story begins with a happy boy, a child by the name of Y/N, a happy boy, a single child, with loving parents, living in Zaun, the poor 'brother-district' to Piltover, the rich side of the city. While his family wasn't rich, they weren't also extremely poor, they managed to get by with what they had, and they were for all intents and purposes, happy.

The vast majority of the world's population has, in some capacity, a power or a magical trait related to them, at age 10, all children go through the process of being tested to see if they have powers, as it's at this age that powers usually awaken within a person.

Y/N's parents were no different, his mother being capable of manipulating to some extent the physical life force of people, not a lot, but enough to quickly heal small bruises and injuries of the sort, and accelerate the healing process of more perilous wounds such as deep cuts, broken bones, etc... while also being able to do the opposite, for example, she could create small injuries, or even increase the intensity of already existing ones, basically turning even the smallest of wounds to a deep, painful cut over time.

His father, however, was a bit more on the offensive side of things when it comes to his powers, he could control iron, and the iron around him, limited only by his current energy and the quantity of iron he wished to control, if he was feeling tired, he would have only good control of the iron in his body and very little power over the iron in, for example, the bodies of other people. When full of energy, however, his power was quite the terrifying sight, being able to take out a portion of the iron of another person's bloodstream essentially rips their blood of the ability to carry oxygen. But the most terrifying part of this power was that he could harden parts of his body at will by simply stealing iron from his surroundings or his own blood for a few minutes, creating a thin but solid and strong layer of iron that could be used defensively as armor, or offensively as a blunt weapon.

Fate had a different plan for Y/N, at the age of 10 his parents brought him out to a doctor, happily saying how they couldn't wait for their son to have his power revealed, how they were so excited for their own child to be a part of the powered community!

Salvation Night (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now