26 | Tell Her Yourself

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After yet another gruesome battle, the remaining group back in the void can be seen walking back to their base, out of the three of them, Kassadin was the most fidgety one.

Kassadin, who is usually at the front of the group, leading the way, was this time at the back of it, constantly looking over his shoulder.

Kassadin: "I could have sworn I saw something trailing behind us."

Celia stops, uses her right foot as support to rotate her body, and turns to look behind her. She begins analyzing the 'terrain' behind them if you can even call it that. Narrowing her eyes, she is met with nothing.

Celia: "Up, please!"

Braden grabs Celia by her waist and raises her so she can sit on his back, she continues analyzing the 'terrain'.

Celia: "Hmm..."

Once again, she sees nothing.

Celia: "Yep, no signs of anything. You sure you ain't going nuts there buddy?"

Kassadin looks at her dumbfounded for a moment.

Kassadin: "I don't go 'nuts' Celia, I'm taking our survival seriously, you should too. Nothing in this god-forsaken place can know where we sleep."

Braden: "Then let us take this seriously, what do you think you saw?"

Kassadin: "That's the problem, I didn't actually see anything, I just feel that something is following us."

Braden: "Only a singular presence?" Braden questions with clear curiosity emanating from his voice.

Kassadin looks at him, once again taken aback by the question.

Kassadin: "That's... I'm not sure. Maybe? I'm usually  good at feeling if there are voidlings around me but this feeling is triggering the same exact fight or flight I get from voidlings, only this time I can't see my target."

Braden stays silent for a few seconds, he too begins scanning around the terrain, looking around in a full 360 degrees multiple times, looking up at the 'sky', and even digging at some of the 'dirt' on the ground with his hands, to see if anything would happen.

After he was done, he looks at Kassadin once again and sighs.

Braden: "My friend, if there is actually anything following us we can simply deal with it together, we've killed thousands of voidlings as a group, even if there is actually a singular one following us, it won't be able to scratch us."

Kassadin: "I suppose... I suppose you are right."

Celia: "Great, now that that's settled, let's move on, I'm tired."

The group resumes their walk back, Kassadin couldn't let go of his thoughts and instincts, however, something kept bugging the deepest roots of his mind, screaming at him to stay alert.

And so, the group eventually arrived at their destination.


Celia: "Is this my time, then?"

Celia, Braden, and Kassadin were staring at Celia's energy gauge, which now indicated a clear 100%.

Celia: "I... Woah..." Celia was shocked, too shocked to even properly speak.

When she woke up today she didn't think she would be able to come back home after a single voidling massacre.

Celia: "I... Was expecting at least a few more days, maybe at least a week or two..."

Braden, as was when Tanya left, was lost between being proud, happy, sad, envious...

But he decides to toss the bad feelings aside, and as always, light up the room with a smile.

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