24 | ... And a Mission

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Jax drives you back to the mansion, the entire ride he's constantly checking the mirrors as if someone was following you.

You asked him about it, but he said it was simply his job.

What he didn't tell you, however, was that he could see someone... Or something, chasing you carefully like a hunter, a couple of kilometers away from you at all times. A faint, purple smoke.

Jax eventually manages to lose whatever was following you two, but only when he was already dangerously close to the mansion, around 30 minutes away from it.

'Still a large search area, but too close for my comfort.' Jax thought to himself.

 I drop off Y/N at the mansion.

Jax: "Sorry If I seemed a bit distant during the ride, got some stuff to figure out."

Y/N: "Don't worry, It's alright, thank you for everything, have a good day Jax!"

Jax: "You too, Y/N, you deserve it."

As soon as he leaves the car I begin calling Riven.


Riven: "Hello Jax."

Jax: "Riven, sorry for the sudden call, but we've got a possible situation. I need your crew to look out for a man in his 40s, perhaps 50s, with black hair and currently wearing casual clothes, except for a strangely tight purple shirt."

Riven: "Just look out for this individual?"

Jax: "No, he was following me while I was driving Y/N around, he kept up with the car's speed, although he always kept his distance. I lost him roughly 30 minutes ago, play it safe and search for him in an area of let's say... 30 kilometers around the mansion?"

Riven: "That much? Me and my people will take days if not weeks to cover that ground."

Jax: "I know, I'm calling backup."

Riven: "I see, tell her I said hi."

Jax: "Will do."

Jax goes to hang up the call, but Riven speaks out.

Riven: "Jax."

Jax: "Yes?"

Riven: "Be very, very careful, we're probably dealing with a void follower. That's my best guess considering recent events."

Jax's free hand curls up in a fist.

Jax: "More of a reason to find the guy and beat him to a pulp."

Riven: "Agreed. Just be safe. Keep me updated."

Jax hangs up the call and begins calling another person.

???: "Jax? You rarely call, what do you need?"

Jax: "Hello Quinn, I need your help, well, yours and Valor's."

Quinn: "Oh? And for what job?"

Jax: "Scouting to find an individual."

Quinn: "Authorized by the girls and Sivir?"

Jax: "No, but they will be notified of this after this call, I plan to speak with Evelynn specifically."

Quinn: "Her? Are you sure you want to announce to Evelynn, all alone, that you began a scouting mission without permission?"

Jax: "Yes, considering it's to protect her boyfriend."

Quinn stays silent on the other side for a moment.

Quinn: "I... Didn't know she had a boyfriend?" She replies confused.

Jax: "Recent thing, from the bits and pieces I've heard from Sivir she and Y/N, that's his name, by the way, were very close childhood friends, and they recently remet with a bit of a... Tragic incident involved... And they reconnected."

Quinn: "I see, if that's the case I will be on my way to our usual meeting spot, send me as many details as you can while I make my way there."

Jax: "Will do, see you there."

I hang up the call.


Quinn is currently on the roof of a tall building, looking around the area from time to time when she's not looking at her phone.

Quinn's POV

15 minutes have passed, and I receive a quick report from Jax, containing the general information on the situation.

Quinn: "Let's see... 40s, perhaps 50s, black hair, casual clothing save for a tight purple shirt... And likely... A void follower?!"

My body begins getting tense.

Quinn: 'If that's the case, then this Y/N is not the only one in danger... Miss Kai'sa might be targeted as well...'

I whistle loudly, and as always, trusty Valor comes to me.

Quinn: "Alright Valor, we've got a mission on our hands."

I repeat the report from Jax back to Valor, good thing this species of eagle is relatively intelligent.

I send out Valor out into the skies.

Quinn: "I'll follow your lead, Valor." Quinn pauses, as she begins making her way from roof to roof, with Valor occasionally serving as a pair of wings. She then mumbles to herself. "Fly swiftly... Kill swiftly."

Narrator Notes

Two new chapters! Hope you like them :)

I would like to thank everyone that has read the story so far, we have achieved 40k reads, and that is unbelievable to me, when I first started writing this, I expected nothing more than a few hundred at best when I finished the ENTIRE book.

Once again, thank you for the amazing support, I don't know how to repay it besides repeating myself, thank you, a thousand times thank you!


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