63| Spy

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The tremor in the old man's hands mirrored the disquiet in his eyes. He reached out hesitantly, his gaze flicking to Su Ruo's arm as if to confirm what his failing vision perceived.

"The dragon tattoo," he rasped, a flicker of hope igniting in his voice. "You've come to save us?"

Xiao Fan and Xiao Zhan exchanged a worried glance. The revelation of the tattoo and the man's words sent a jolt of unease through them. Save whom? Su Ruo's grip loosened slightly, a sliver of doubt battling the cold resolve in her eyes. What if this man, desperate and terrified, was mistaking them for something they were not?

Sensing the shift in her hold, Xiao Fan sent her a silent plea. Released from the garrote's pressure, the old man coughed violently, clutching at his chest as he gasped for breath. Between ragged breaths, he stammered, "Please… let me explain. We all wear this mark…" He tapped his lower arm, his voice thick with urgency. "Identification. Escape means certain death. They'll hunt us down."

Xiao Zhan's eyes narrowed. He studied the man with a newfound intensity, mirroring Xiao Fan's growing curiosity. "Escape? Identification? What secrets lie within these caverns?"

The old man slumped against the wall, defeated. Tears welled in his eyes, threatening to spill over, but he choked them back, the fear of alerting unseen ears a potent restraint.

"I don't know where the others came from," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "But I hail from Xu City, in the Song State. A vicious massacre… they took those who survived. Brought us here."

"To work in the minting operation?" Xiao Zhan blurted, surprised they had stumbled upon the truth. The old man, desperate for escape, simply nodded, his initial apprehension forgotten. "Yes! Many slaves were here before me. My family… my wife, my daughters… all gone. Murdered. I couldn't even bury them."

Grief overwhelmed him, a choked sob escaping his lips. Shame gnawed at him as he clenched his fists. Xiao Fan gently pulled Su Ruo back, his gaze wary. "We need to leave. What if this is a ploy to stall us?"

Su Ruo, torn between suspicion and a sliver of hope, turned to Xiao Zhan. He remained silent, his fingers unconsciously tracing circles on his palm.

"But what if he speaks the truth?" she countered, her voice laced with trepidation. "Didn't Zhao Yun mention investigating illegal minting?" Her gaze darted back to the trembling figure before her, her lip caught between her teeth. "He could be lying. Perhaps this is an opportunity to delve deeper into the cave's secrets."

A flicker of steel flashed in the dim light as Xiao Zhan whipped out a dagger, its tip aimed at the old man who hesitantly inched towards them. The man's eyes darted nervously towards the door, a tremor of anxiety rippling through his frail frame.

"He attacked us earlier," Xiao Fan emphasized, his voice laced with suspicion. "There's a chance they're all complicit in this operation." He released his grip on the old man, his gaze lingering on the lifeless body sprawled on the cold stone floor.

"We understand," the old man croaked, his voice barely a whisper. "And I understand your urgency. We need to get you to Rouran for a cure. But true Sect members turn no blind eye to those in distress."

The old man, emboldened by a flicker of defiance, strained to tiptoe closer, his ears straining to catch the hushed conversation. Su Ruo's gaze snapped towards him, her stern expression prompting him to clear his throat and retreat hastily.

"Why did he attack?" she questioned, her voice firm as she gestured towards the deceased.

The old man sighed, a deep weariness settling on his shoulders. "He was one of the officials, not a slave. His absence will be noticed soon if you linger any longer."

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