1| 🎗Chances

138 11 7

[ Tang Dynasty]



Ripples shimmered across the surface of the Azure River, emerald depths reflecting the pale moon. Crystal waves lapped gently at the shore, pausing a respectful distance from the ancient Baobab trees, their gnarled branches reaching skyward like skeletal fingers.

A stray strand escaped its silken confinement, whipping across my face as a chilling wind whispers through the silent landscape. Water trickled down my hair, its caress a stark contrast to the cold steel of the Jian sword cradled in my right hand. Though the moonlight cast an ethereal glow, my vision remained sharp, taking in the serene yet unsettling stillness.

A flitting shadow amongst the leaves stirred my senses. With a gasp, I pivoted, heart hammering against my ribs. My bare feet, accustomed to the unforgiving terrain, propelled me forward through the dense foliage. Glancing back through the curtain of leaves, I glimpsed a flash of sapphire amidst the emerald green – a figure shrouded in a cerulean veil. Laughter, melodic yet laced with an unsettling edge, echoed through the trees.

Perched precariously on the weathered roof of a nearby teahouse, she leaned over the edge, a playful smirk twisting her lips. The moonlight catched the fabric of her azure robes, transforming them into an ethereal shroud that dances in the night breeze, drawing the attention of onlookers below.

Furious and frustrated, I scanned the cobblestone streets for any sign of assistance, my gaze falling on a startled merchant and his overturned basket of wares. With a deft flick of my wrist, I sent a throwing knife spinning through the air. The figure danced away with inhuman agility, the blade finding its mark harmlessly upon the aged tile roof. A chorus of startled shouts erupted from the street below as I launched myself across the rooftops, a whirlwind of determination and fury.

Before I could discern the secrets hidden beneath the cerulean veil, the figure melted back into the shadows, leaving behind only the echo of laughter.

Moonlight, filtered through the leaves of an ancient banyan tree, cast fragmented shadows across the rooftop tiles. The air, heavy with the scent of night jasmine, stirred my senses as I peered down at the figure flitting through the shadows. Her cerulean cloak billowed around her like a phantom's shroud, obscuring all but the fleeting glimpses of sapphire beneath the fabric.

My fingers tightened around the hilt of my Jian sword, moonlight reflecting off the polished steel. Years of training had honed my reflexes to lightning speed. With a single, graceful leap, I landed silently behind the figure, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

She whirled around, her movements swift and precise as a coiled viper. A glint of surprise flickered in her eyes before a mischievous smile played upon her lips. Her dagger, a wickedly curved blade forged from shimmering moonlight jade, met my Jian in a clash of steel. Sparks flew like fireflies caught in the night wind.

We parried and thrust, our movements a whirlwind of deadly grace. Her skill was undeniable, each attack flowing seamlessly into the next. Yet, despite her prowess, I managed to disarm her. The Jian, momentarily in my own grasp, pointed towards the porcelain skin of her neck.

However, her defeat seemed only temporary. With a graceful pirouette, she slipped behind me, the stolen Jian now pointed threateningly at my own throat. Laughter, like the tinkling of wind chimes, escaped her lips as she tore the cerulean veil from her face.

Her features, revealed under the moon's gentle glow, were as captivating as her fighting spirit. Almond-shaped eyes, the color of a summer sky, sparkled with amusement. Her lips, painted with the crimson of ripe cherries, curved into a playful smirk. Her raven hair, unbound and cascading down her back, framed a face both youthful and wise.

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