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(A/n: okay so before starting you all had also become dumb like Mallika in part 22 there is a big hint. I thought atleast any one will comment about it but no I didn't recieved any comments related to it. I know now you all will rush to the part 22 and will search if you get it comment me with "😯😁" these both emoji because I don't want to ruin others suspense let them find it by themselves...)

At morning

Arjun was searching for Priya.

"Hey, have you seen a girl. She is so much talkative"
He asked a employee

"her name?? Here all girls are very talkative"

"I don't know her name. She works in this department maybe"
Arjun said looking around.

"Her looks"
He remembers how she is.

"she looks good not good she is just awesome and helps everyone. Oh yeah she is mallika's friend"
He said

"Sir are you saying about..."

Before that employee complete Priya says while standing behind him.

"Priya, her name is Priya?? Anyways thanks"
Arjun says to that employee. Priya tapped on his shoulder ge turned.

"Hello, excuse me thank me not him"

"ohh hii, I was searching for you"
He says in happy.

"Am I dreaming or what?? Who doesn't even knows my name is searching for me, wahhh!"

"I forgot to ask your name that day Forget it. I talked with Mallika and she is coming back for job from today she will rejoin"
He said in excitement hearing this priya's face lightened up.

"Really! Wowww that's a great news thank you so much!!!"
She holds Arjun's both hands.

"do you know I can't able to meet her properly. She was so much busy in her dance academy and thank God now I got my old Mallika just because of you. So today coffee treat from my side. Don't feel bad now my financial situation is not so good so I can offer only coffee but when I get my salary I will give you dinner treat what do you say??"
Arjun looked at their hand. Priya immediately left.

"I think I talked too much. You yourself are so much rich and I..."
He cuts her and says.

"no, I'm not rich. I'm more poor than you"
He said with deep voice.


"I'm an orphan and obviously I'm more poor than you"
He said and left from there.

After a few minutes

Mallika's pov:
As soon as I entered the office Priya saw me.

She hugged me tightly.

"you are back I'm so so sooooo happy for you"
I hugged her back.

"I missed you and Aru a lot. Why were you wasn't answering my calls and why your house always will be locked"
I broke the hug.

"I'm so sorry Priya I wanted some alone time"

"This time I'm forgiving but next time promise me you will share everything with me"
I smiled and said

Should I meet him or not??

"Priya I'll be back"
I said to her.

"where are you going??"

"woh...to meet Sumedh, I mean Sumedh sir"

"now why are you going to meet that monster"
Priya said in angry.

"I want to talk with him something very important"
I lied I just wanted to see him once.

"hmm okay, but don't talk much he is behaving very weird and rude from the day you left the company"
I nodded and went to his cabin I knocked the door.

"come in"
He said with his rude voice. I went in he was doing some work in his laptop. He looked very weak. He lifted his face up. our eyes met I didn't realise when did he come closer to me. I was bumped with a wall.
His eyes became teary. Slowly our closeness was reducing I closed my eyes his hands were on my cheeks and felt his lips on my forehead. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead. And he hugged him and inhaled deeply and said.

"I knew it you...you will definitely come back you can't stay without me nor I"
I was about to hug him back but Just then I realised, What am I doing?? I pushed him. He looked at me in shock.

"I came here just because Arjun requested me to rejoin company again not for you"
I said

"why are you behaving like this?"

"that day why did you kissed her and you could have easily come to London why didn't come to find me. If you really loved me you will definitely come to London"

"About that I have already told you. When you are ready to listen me I will explain what happened that day"

"no I don't need your any explanation. And why didn't you come to London??I was waiting for you"
I said with tears and left from there.

Precap: I don't know sorry no precap🥲 why do I feel this story gonna become interesting after 1 or 2 parts🤔...

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