6. Mallika the spy

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"don't shout I want to sleep I'm not ghost"
I heard Sumedh's voice he said in sleepy tone.

"Why are you sleeping here?? Your place is last desk right"
I asked turning towards him.

"I have changed my place"
Without lifting his head he replied.

"what! Why??"
I asked in shock. I don't wanted him to sit behind me. If he sit here I can't keep an eye on him.

"Who are you to ask me all this?? And moreover I'm not sitting in your place so just shut your mouth and let me sleep"
I was about to say something but I stopped and started reading the lesson.
After an hour it was Mathematics class.

"so who will slove this sum on the board??"
Ma'am asked pointing towards the sum.

"only Mallika, no one else know the answer??"
I raised my hand up. I saw around nobody raised the hand accept me. I turned back and saw Sumedh he was playing game in his phone. Ma'am called me I took chok and started solving the sum.

"do anybody knows the answer for the second sum??"
I heard. I saw the second question and it was more difficult I know only half answer for it. I continued solving the first question.



"come and slove this sum"


"yes, you only come"

Yesss! Now everybody will get to know he did cheating in exam. I'm damn sure he can't able to solve this sum.


I saw his side. How did he finished the sum??

Ma'am appreciated him he kept the chok on the table and went back to his place. I was still staring him. That means he really got those marks by his hardwork??

"Mallika, what are you thinking solve the sum fast"

"Ye..yes ma'am"
I solved the sum and the bell rang it was lunch break I wanted to borrow study material from library. So I went to Library and took the study material.

"You haven't written your name on the card"
The librarian said pointing towards the card of the book.

"Ohh sorry"
I took the card and was about to write my name but wait Sumedh Mudgalkar?? He already read this book?? I wrote my name.

"Thank you"
I went to see other books card.
Sumedh Mudgalkar
Sumedh Mudgalkar
Sumedh Mudgalkar!!!
Almost he have completed reading the whole library. Ugghhh!! enough today I will find out.
I went back to class the lunch break was about to end I saw Sumedh listening song. I sat on my seat I couldn't able to concentrate on the class only because of him. Bell rang the school finally ended. I started following Sumedh. Arjun and he was going home. I heard them talking something.

"Arjun she was already burning why did you told those words??"
Are they talking about me??

"Sumedh you have to see her face. Ohh godd she is really very dumb, how she was following you the whole day I saw everything"
Arjun started laughing. I felt really embarassing.

"I was stunned yesterday how you twisted his hand and hit his hand on a notice board glass his hand was bleeding a lot"

"I should have break his hand. how can he pull a girl hair so harshly??"
I remember that boy who hold my hair. Sumedh really did that?? This guy is so mysterious. They went towards a huge building. Why did the came to this building. The Watchmen saluted them and opened the gate for them. Whatttt! This is their house?? I know Arjun lives with Sumedh but I didn't that he is this much rich. I saw around the house because I know the Watchmen will not allow me inside. And thank God I got back gate open. I went inside I peeped in all window of the house. And finally I found his room. I can easily enter inside his room though window. But if he sees me here. He will surely kill me so better to stand out. But where does he gone?? The room was empty. I felt water on my hand.

It started raining I can't able to stand outside so I entered inside. I heard his bathroom door opening I quickly hide behind the curtains. He came outside the bathroom. Someone pulled my shoulder. I bumped into the wall he kept his hand behind my head. And another hand on the way. I was caged.

"What the hell are you doing here??"

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