10. Is Sumedh falling for Mallika??

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Sumedh pov:
"can't you give this to my hand"
She said in angry.

"It's too hot so I throwed it. You can wear it. if you want"
I said while seeing at the other side. She weared my coat and she gathered some dry leafs and wooden sticks.
She took 2 stones and started rubbing it. Is she trying to create fire with them?? Ughh!! God she is such a dumb girl. I rolled my eyes thinking how could someone be this much dumb.

"Why the fire is not coming??"
She said while rubbing the stones. She tried a lot but failed I can't see her madness any more so I said.

"By the way I have lighter"
I said and throwed it on the ground.

"Till now did you sealed your mouth can't you give me this before, idiot"
With the help of lighter she burned the leafs.

She said while rubbing her hand infront of fire I sat beside her.

"Sumedh your grandpa is a trusty of our school then can you tell him and change our school lunch menu and the chef?? I know there are so many varieties but it's tasteless and so many students are bored eating same everyday, so can you please please please!"
She pleaded like a kid infront of me. I can't deny her but I did.

"why should I?? I don't even eat lunch at school"
I said being rude.

"Ohh yeah you eat tasty delicious food at your home why do you care about other students, huh! Selfish"
She turned her face to other side after telling this. I smiled we both sat there like that. I saw a group of men drinking alcohol at a few distence.

"Mallika come let's go back, it's already 8pm"
I said while standing up.

"wait, till now my hostel gate will be closed if I go now my warden will kick me and asks so many questions and she will also inform my uncle and Aunty. Let's be here whole night"
She said with a pout.

"Mallika are you mad, we can't stay here whole night. This place is not safe so come let's go"
I almost shouted at her.

"no, this is the most peaceful place I have ever visited and I don't want to go from here. If you want to go you can go. But I will stay here only"
Why is this girl so much stubborn?? Having no other option I lifted her up over my shoulder we both left from there.

"Sumedh what are you doing, leave me!!"
She was beating me with her small fist. While shouting.

"Idiot leave me, I want to stay here"
I ignored her.

I dropped her down.

"You are really very selfish, just because you don't wanted to go alone. You brought me forcefully from there with you, now where do I go?? My hostel gate will be closed"
I started walking completely ignoring her.

"Now where are you going??"
She asked.

"I'm going back to school if you wanna come you can come with me"

"khadoos wait"
We both reached school back gate we jumped inside.

"just keep your mouth shut I will bring the keys"

She agreed while raising her thumbs up. I slowly went towards Watchmen who was snoring loudly. I took the keys from his hand slowly and came back towards Mallika.

We both did hi-fi happily. We both realised and I took my hand back with hesitation and said.

"shall we??"
She nodded and I opened our classroom door and went inside. She ran towards her bag and hugged it dramatically.

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