No, I'm the one who should apologize. You were just making a good point, and I just didn't want you to figure out that wasn't really what I was doing when you came over here.

Elle gave Gabrielle a questioning look.

Why? What exactly were you doing?

Gabrielle sighed as she prepared herself for the teasing that she was sure was about to come her way once she confessed her feelings for the Conqueror to her friend and had just begun to speak when she heard another voice behind her.

There you are.

Gabrielle turned around as both hers and Elle's attention turned the Conqueror's way.

Good morning your lordship. I hope you're doing well.

Xena looked from Elle to Gabrielle as she smiled.

Couldn't be better.

Gabrielle smiled back as Elle looked between the two women unsure of what to make of the exchange as Xena then continued to speak.

You know I was hoping to catch you before you went off to the archives.

Oh did you need me for scribe work today?

Xena smirked.

No, not exactly. I just figured that since you've been working so hard lately, that you deserved a little time off.

That's really nice of you my lord, but without being in the archives or your study, I wouldn't really know what to do with myself all day.

Don't be ridiculous, I'm certain that someone with a mind like yours could think of a million things to occupy your time around here.

Gabrielle smiled as she shook her head slightly.

I appreciate the compliment, but you give me too much credit my lord.

Xena eyed the younger woman in mock disapproval.

Now you wouldn't be trying to argue with me about something, would you?

No, of course not my lord.

Xena smiled slightly.

Good. Because if you were, we might have a problem.

Xena gave a quick wink to Gabrielle as the young woman realized that the Conqueror hadn't actually been serious about being upset with her and smiled as Xena made a metal note to try being more obvious when she wasn't being serious as she realized that her sense of humor was a bit difficult at times to differentiate from when she was being serious.

And now that we have that settled, since you mentioned that you weren't sure of what to do with yourself without having any work to do, I actually come here with the idea that you might like to finally tell me some of those stories that you mentioned you knew. Of course, it's completely up to you whether you want to or not, but it was just something that I thought I'd throw out there in case you were interested.

You really wanna hear my stories?

Xena shrugged.

Well I wouldn't be asking you to tell 'em to me if I didn't.

Xena turned around and began walking away, as she glanced over her shoulder at Gabrielle and smiled.

But I'll leave it up to you. And if you decide you wanna come spin some of your tales, you know where I'll likely be.

Gabrielle watched as the Conqueror walked away, and it was only after Xena was out of sight that Elle turned to Gabrielle as she was thrown completely off guard by the interaction she had just witnessed between the two.

What in the world was that about?

I guess she's bored and wants a little entertainment

Gabrielle shrugged slightly as she tried to hide the smile on her face, and began walking in the same direction that Xena had gone as she called back to her friend.

I'll catch up with you later Elle. I know she said that could come by if and when I wanted to, but still I probably shouldn't keep the lord Conqueror waiting.

Gabrielle gave a quick wave toward her friend as a moment later she disappeared around the same corner that Xena had turned at and was gone. Leaving Elle standing by the window by herself.

(Talking to herself) Why do I have the feeling that there's something going on around here that I'm missing?

The young woman brushed off the thought as too walked away and left the hallway as a hidden, cloaked figure that had been silently watching the whole exchange between the three moved from their hiding place and slipped away from the scene without having ever been noticed by anyone who had just been there.


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