Scold and Unfold

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===(In Hosu Hospital)===

Midoriya, Ida, and Todoroki found themselves confined to the same hospital room, their bodies adorned with bandages, a physical testament to the harrowing events they had endured. As they reclined in their beds, the weight of their injuries seemed to pale in comparison to the weight of the conversation that hung heavy in the air.

"Did you manage to get any sleep, Midoriya?" Ida's voice cut through the silence, his concern evident as he glanced over at his friend.

Midoriya shook his head, his gaze distant as he recalled the events of the previous day. "No, not really," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Todoroki nodded in agreement, his expression somber as he too reflected on the events that had unfolded. "Me neither," he confessed, his thoughts consumed by the memory of the danger they had faced.

"Considering what we went through, it's a miracle we're even alive," Midoriya mused, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief. "I mean, with my leg injured like it was, I was practically a sitting duck. Stain could have easily finished me off if he wanted to."

Todoroki nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with a newfound respect for his classmates. "It's true. Stain had every opportunity to take us out, but he chose to spare us. It's almost as if he had a reason for letting us live."

Ida shifted uncomfortably in his bed, his gaze falling to the floor as memories of the confrontation with Stain flooded his mind. "I was the one he was after," he admitted, his voice barely audible above the hum of the hospital machinery. "If it weren't for (Y/n) intervening, I don't know if I would be here right now."

Before Ida could finish his thought, the sound of the hospital door sliding open interrupted their conversation, drawing their attention to the newcomers who entered the room.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the injured youngins," Gran Torino's voice rang out, his sharp gaze scanning the room as he took in the sight of his students.

Midoriya's face lit up with a mixture of relief and guilt as he spotted his mentor. "Gran Torino!" he exclaimed, his voice betraying his relief at seeing the familiar face.

Beside him, Ida's expression softened as he caught sight of Manuel, his own mentor. "And Manuel too," he greeted, his tone tinged with gratitude.

Gran Torino wasted no time in reprimanding his students, his words sharp and biting as he scolded Midoriya for his reckless actions. "Idiot! I could yell at you for hours right now," he chastised, his voice a mix of frustration and concern for his young protege.

"But before I do, you've got a visitor," Gran Torino announced, stepping aside to allow someone to enter the room.

The door creaked open, revealing the imposing figure of Hosu's Chief of Police, Keji Tsuragamae. He stood tall, his dog-like visage stern but not unkind, clad in a crisply pressed suit that spoke of his authority.

"Ah, Chief Tsuragamae," Gran Torino addressed him with a nod of respect. "Allow me to introduce you to the students."

The students' eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected visitor. Midoriya struggled to sit up in bed, while Ida and Todoroki rose to their feet to greet the chief.

 Midoriya struggled to sit up in bed, while Ida and Todoroki rose to their feet to greet the chief

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