The Encounter

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"(Y/n)-Chan, as much as I admire your selfless acts, you should really take care of yourself more. I do not like seeing you get hurt. And...neither does Kacchan." says Midoriya as he and (Y/n) walked into an alley and continued the conversation.

"I understand Izuku. You and Katsuki have always been there for me and I am grateful for it. But if I didn't stop Kikyo's tyranny on campus, then she would only land herself in a bad place in the future. I don't want that for her. Besides, I wasn't going to let her keep on picking on the other students, so somebody had to protect them. If not me, then, who will?", responded (Y/n) as she turned to Midoriya with her closed eye smile.

Midoriya's face began to blush lightly, amazed by (Y/n)'s kindness and compassion. Ever since he first met (Y/n) he always knew that she was going to bring light into his world, and even until now, she never ceases to surprise him with her actions.

"Also, I can't believe Katsuki would say such a thing. I know that he can be difficult sometimes, but I never thought he would take it that far." Said (Y/n) as she shook her head in disbelief and disappointed.

"Yeah I already assumed you heard... Your sense of hearing is incredible (Y/n)-chan." Complimented Midoriya though thinking internally that his assumptions were correct of (Y/n) able to hear Bakugou's conversation with him.

"Don't let Katsuki's words get to you. He's just being a jerk who lets his ego and pride blind him from seeing the truth. He still has a lot to learn, and knowing him, he doesn't really mean it literally when he says that to you. Everyone has a chance of becoming a hero, and listen to me when I say that you have the potential and the heart of a hero, even without a quirk." Said (Y/n) as she attempted to cheer up her friend. This got them to stop in their tracks as Midoriya flinched at the last statement.

" really think I can be a hero? Sorry if I asked you this before", says Midoriya in a nervous tone as he fiddled his fingers, finding this question a bothersome for (Y/n') since she was the one who he kept asking about his chances about becoming a hero. Luckily (Y/n) on the other hand was not even bothered by it. In fact, she beamed brightly when he asked her the same question.

"Izuku, I will gladly remind you over and over again. Quirks do not define or make someone a hero; it's the heart and goodwill of the person. Throughout our whole friendship, you have demonstrated time and time again how much of a hero you are. You've defended and comforted me during my hardships, you always bring a smile to my face, and even when people try to bring you down, you still hold no grudge against them. You're intelligent, kind-hearted, and generous, and you possess so many great attributes that are beneficial for a hero. Like your hero notebook, you can analyze a hero's quirk just by looking at it and figuring out its weak points and strengths. Your passion for helping others and your interest in heroes and quirks always amaze me. At the end of the day, if I can smile just by having you with me, then you're already a hero in my eyes. Besides, I know that your good heart will take you places that will lead you to more than you can ever wish for. Take my word for it. I don't think, I know you can be a hero, even if you have no quirk." Stated (Y/n) as she began to radiate large years behind her, causing her appearance to appear more bright, indicating she was genuine with her words.

(Y/n)'s words made Midoriya's heart race. There was no deception or hint of dishonesty in her words as she explained clearly her view of him and his chances of being a hero. Her figure seemed to shimmer with an almost magical aura as he looked at his friend with wide, glistening eyes. She was the light of his world and the only one who believed in him and saw him as a hero before he even tried to become one.

As of now...

His new dream emerged...

He wanted to become (Y/n)'s hero someday...

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