Are you Part Cat?

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(Y/n) was in the dining room, diligently organizing all the recommendation letters she had received as copies from the originals sent to UA High. She sorted them into a neat pile, arranging them by the rank of the heroes who had recommended her. She also kept a list of all the heroes who had endorsed her so that she could personally express her gratitude to each of them.

While she worked on this task, Stitch lounged on the sofa, engrossed in watching cartoons and munching on a bag of popcorn.

"Hey, Honey! Sorry to drop in unannounced, but I think I left some documents here from my last visit, and I need them for UA. Hm? What's all this?" All Might inquired as he entered the dining area in his teacher's outfit and noticed the numerous papers scattered on the table.

"Oh, hey, Papa! No worries at all. I'm just cleaning up this pile of recommendations," (Y/n) replied with a warm smile. "I figured it was about time to get it organized. I even made a list of the heroes who recommended me. I plan to send them thank-you letters to show my gratitude for considering me."

All Might nodded, recalling that his daughter had received recommendations from some of the top hero agencies, including his own. He couldn't help but feel proud and curious about exactly how many recommendations she had received and who these endorsing heroes were.

"Can you show me that list?" he asked with interest.


Recommender's list:

--All Might



--Best Jeanist

--Eraser Head

--Present Mic


--Sir Nighteye






--Recovery Girl


--Gran Torino


All Might couldn't help but sweat a little when he saw the sheer number of heroes and staff members who had recommended (Y/n). However, what truly caught his attention was the fact that Endeavor had also endorsed his daughter. This surprised him, as the Number 2 Hero was not known for taking an interest in other students, especially those not related to him. It raised some questions in his mind.

"Sweetheart, your name could make it into the Guinness World Record for the most recommendations in the world," All Might commented, his tone lighthearted.

"You think so?" (Y/n) responded, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I know so. It's a good thing I recommended you first, though. What kind of father would I be if I didn't send that recommendation?! Plus, you would have still gotten that position without the rest of these heroes!" All Might joked, placing the list of recommendations in front of (Y/n), who watched him with an amused expression.

"You're funny, Papa. I don't think it matters who recommended me; it's the thought behind it that counts. Besides, I don't think the school cares much about the number of recommendations, but the content of the recommendation itself is what matters."

"You never know, kiddo. Besides, all those other recommendations don't matter if the one recommending you is none other than me," All Might remarked with a grin.

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