Stand Off

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Just an FYI there is going to be some changes in this scene. And there will be more Nomus than just three.

Enjoy the rest of the reading!




(Y/n) found herself seated at the center of a dimly lit room, surrounded by eleven other figures whose faces remained obscured by the shadows. The atmosphere was tense, the only illumination emanating from a large digital screen at the center of the room, projecting a complex 3D model that the other members manipulated with swift gestures.

As the members engaged in conversation, their voices low and indistinct, (Y/n) remained focused on the glowing digital clock displayed on the smart TV. Her hands were clasped together in front of her, her expression unreadable amidst the darkness.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the murmurs, drawing everyone's attention. "Seems like you were right, (Y/n). Apart from the usual petty crimes, there have been no reports of the Hero Killer's activities for an entire day. He's proven to be a man of his word," remarked a female figure, her tone respectful yet tinged with curiosity.

The conversation came to a halt as all eyes turned to (Y/n), awaiting her response. Unfazed by the scrutiny, she continued to stare at the digital clock, watching as the seconds ticked down relentlessly.

"The day hasn't passed yet," she replied calmly, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

Tension thickened in the air as the clock neared the final moments. With bated breath, the members watched as the seconds dwindled away, their anticipation palpable.

Then, as the clock struck ten, a wave of silence washed over the room, the weight of the moment hanging heavily in the air.

"Now it has," declared (Y/n) decisively, rising from her seat with a determined air. She checked her weapons with practiced efficiency, her movements observant and purposeful. "I'll find him," she announced, her voice resonating with unwavering resolve.

As (Y/n) approached the automatic door, her movements came to an abrupt halt as a sudden surge of energy coursed through her body, causing her mark to glow with an ethereal light. In that fleeting moment, her eyes shimmered with a golden hue, mirroring the glow of her mark before returning to their usual state.

"Actually..." Her voice cut through the silence, commanding attention from the group as they instinctively halted their movements, their focus now fully on her.

A sense of foreboding hung in the air as (Y/n) continued, her words carrying a weight of uncertainty. "I get the feeling we all are going to be needed," she declared, her tone resolute despite the underlying unease.

A male figure stepped forward, his presence commanding yet tinged with an unspoken emotion that (Y/n) could discern. " (Y/n)," he began, his voice neutral yet laced with an undercurrent of concern, "Your number of 'trips' has increased over these past couple of events. The likelihood of encountering Jack Frost and the Hero Killer tonight is high. Given the circumstances, I believe intervention may be necessary."

With her decision made, (Y/n) led the way out of the meeting room, her steps purposeful as the rest of the group followed closely behind.


===(Somewhere in Hosu)===

Perched atop the towering skyscraper, (Y/n) scanned the bustling cityscape below, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of trouble. Behind her, a group of figures clad in similar dark attire stood at the ready, their presence a silent testament to their shared mission.

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