The Final Close Call

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. ===(Somewhere in Hosu)===

The pro hero Ingenium was knocked out unconsciously barely breathing as he lied on the floor in a pool of his own blood, while the man standing upright with his two katanas stand beside the injured hero with disgust and venom in his eyes. Seeing the hero's phone vibrating, the tall male instantly smashed the phone using the heel of his foot.

"Fame, money... That's what all of you who call yourselves heroes are really after. But you bastards are not worthy of being heroes. Except them... The only ones who has full permission to kill me...

....All Might and his precious daughter."


===(In the Waiting Room)===

In the hushed anticipation of the waiting room, (Y/n) found herself lost in the echoes of her recent match with Todoroki.

A pang of guilt tugged at (Y/n)'s conscience as she acknowledged that she hadn't been present to witness Bakugou's match against Tokoyami, offer support to Todoroki during his recovery, or simply spend a moment with her friends. However, she recognized the necessity of prioritizing her own well-being in the aftermath of her intense previous match and the need to process the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in her mind.

As she waited for the time to pass, the distant echoes of the intercom filtered through the air, carrying the news of Bakugou's victory in his match against Tokoyami. Though not surprised by the outcome, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for not being there to witness her friend's triumph firsthand.

Present Mic's booming voice reverberated through the speakers, announcing the upcoming final showdown between (Y/n) and Bakugou. The weight of the impending battle hung heavy in the air, stirring a mixture of anticipation and apprehension within (Y/n).

Despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her, (Y/n) knew that she needed this time alone to gather her thoughts, steel her resolve, and prepare herself mentally and physically for the challenge ahead.

In addition, despite having faced Todoroki and his ice before, a lingering unease settled in her thoughts. The close call during their confrontation now haunted her, casting shadows of doubt on the impending battle with Bakugou. As she clutched her fists and closed her eyes, the weight of frustration and aggravation grew, realizing the escalating stakes and the potential unveiling of her half-demon nature to the world.

"What am I supposed to do?...."

A sudden, thunderous BANG interrupted her internal turmoil. Lifting her head, she was met with the perplexed gaze of Bakugou, who, with an unintentional, forceful kick, had entered the wrong waiting room. The lingering silence stretched between them until Bakugou broke it with his characteristic irritation.

"Tenshi?! What the hell are you doing here?! This is my—uh, crap! This is Waiting Room Number 2!"

"Yeah," she replied tersely.

"Tch, fine, fine. I may have landed in the wrong room, but I came to make it clear that I wouldn't be playing nice. This is a battle I have been dying to try for a long while, so you have to give it your all in this, got it!" Bakugou declared, slamming his hand on the table while activating his Quirk. Unfazed, (Y/n) met his gaze with resolve.

"Yeah, I'll try..."

The sudden seriousness in her expression irked Bakugou, who was used to his bold declarations being met with defiance, not contemplation.

"You seem like you're hesitating..." Bakugou remarked as he sat beside her, arms crossed. (Y/n) glanced back, her response weighed with the gravity of her concerns.

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