Let the Games Begin

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It was early morning, and (Y/n) was just washing dishes after heaving a home-cooked breakfast and tea with her adoptive father and pet at his place.

After drying her hands, she grabbed her belongings and kissed her dad's cheek as he was still eating his breakfast.

"Ok, Papa I'll see you over there at the Festival. Don't want to get a scolding from our class rep." Said (Y/n) as she was heading towards the door after petting Stitch who was still chewing on his food but still let out a cute purr.

"Hehe I hear ya. I'll be cheering for you and Young Midoriya in the Teacher's lounge by the top bleachers in case you're wondering where I am." Said Toshinori as he was rummaging his briefcase for some files.

Before she opened the door, she took one last glance at her father as an idea popped up.

"Do you think you can sneak in Stitch? He's been wanting to come to see his first sports festival in person."

All Might flinch a bit after hearing this request. Looking at the blue-looking Koala, Stitch brought up a pouty puppy face with his eyes glistening with sparkles and eagerness.

"Oh boy...I'll see what I can do." Said All Might as he tried to come up with ways to bring this animal to the festival.

"Thank you, you're the best! Bye, See you there!" Yelled (Y/n) as she waved towards her dad and left his home


===(Waiting Room)===

Inside the large waiting room, the entire class of 1A gathered together waiting for the event to start.

"Awe man, I was hoping I could wear my costume," says Mina as she was tugging on (Y/n)'s sleeve and crying fake tears.

"Well do you wanna risk having your costume be destroyed in the festival? We are up against the entire school population you know?" Said (Y/n) as she patted her head, but that still didn't make Mina feel any better than before.


"Yeah, at least everyone will be in uniforms that'll keep things fair, right," says Mashiro as he was stretching in the corner of the room.

"I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round?" says Sato as this brought some of the students to also think on what challenge is in stored for them.

"No matter what they've prepared we must preserve" answers Tokoyami as he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed

"Everyone gets your game faces on, we're entering the arena soon!" yelled Tenya causing some of the students to sigh. (Y/n) on the other hand, giggled with this sudden outburst which did not go unheard by the Class Rep and the Pomeranian-haired boy sitting next to her and some of the other male peers close by to flushed pink in their cheeks.

"Are you sure they're going to let you in with that sword and dagger (Y/n)? I thought only those from the support course could bring items and weapons with them?" Asked Kirishima as he eyed (Y/n)'s weapons that were held by her belt that carried her sheathed sword on her left her sheathed dagger on the right, and a small vial of red liquid strapped in the belt.

"Definitely. I requested the school to give me permission to use it, though I had to abide by their rules, indicating that I could not permanently harm my competition and to try to leave minimal to no injury if I were to use it." Said (Y/n) as she took out her dagger and played with it.

"So you do plan on using them?" Asked Sero as he was sweatdropping

  (Y/n) did a final flip on her dagger as it landed straight into its sheath in her waist, "Yeah. If you think about it, anybody fighting in the area is highly likely to injure themselves so it's no different if I use my weapons."  Explained (Y/n) as this got some of her classmates to nod in agreement.

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