Thunder and Comfort

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After everyone had their turn in their battle trainings, everyone gathered together outside in front of All Might.

"That's a wrap, excellent work today. You all stepped up to the plate, and we didn't have any major injuries except for Midoriya. You should be proud of your outstanding first day of training all around!" All Might's booming voice echoed across the training ground as he stood in front of the entire classroom outside of the training building.

"It's nice to hear some encouraging words after our homeroom class... Mr. Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill," Tsu remarked, prompting nods of agreement from everyone as they discussed the differences in teaching strategies between their two instructors.

"I'm happy to bring such staggering positivity to my alma mater. That's all for now, folks. I should go and check on young Midoriya's progress. Now watch how a Pro exists like he has somewhere to be!"

In less than a second, All Might disappeared from his spot, sprinting towards the exit.

"OK, guys, now that is a Hero!"

"Aw, I'll never be able to run that fast."

"Super awesome."

Unknown to the rest of the class, except for Todoroki, (Y/n) also vanished from sight, heading in the same direction as All Might.

The moment All Might reached the exit, he began to pant in exhaustion, the strain of maintaining his muscular form evident as he immediately reverted to his skinny form.


"GAH!" *Cough*!

All Might coughed out more blood and began to shake, steadying himself against the wall with both hands to control his breathing.

"(Y/n)... You scared me like that. Wouldn't your classmates notice your disappearance?" All Might asked, panting and expressing concern for the class.

"I'll take care of that later, but I'm more worried about you and Izuku, Papa," (Y/n) said, pulling out a small tissue to wipe away the blood still dripping from his mouth.

"This injury has taken a toll on me, you know... to the point that I barely have time to teach a class... Shit... "

Throwing the tissue in a nearby bin, she patted her father gently.

"Let me get changed and make an excuse for the class before I see you and Izuku in Recovery Girl's office."

"Sounds good"


===(Nurse's Office)===

Inside the Nurse's office, Deku lies in bed asleep with his right arm castrated while the other is connected to the IV tubes. Sitting by the edge of the bed, on Midoriya's left side is (Y/n) in her regular uniform, placing a warm towel in his bed and soothing his left arm.

Meanwhile, Recovery Girl begins to scold the skinny All Might.

"The second day of school and he's already a regular patient. Why didn't you stop him all Might? The same thing goes for you (Y/n). Couldn't you stop your father from causing this disaster?"

"You're right Recovery Girl. I'm sorry. It was (Y/n) who told me to stop them however it was already too late." Explained All Might as he continued to cough slightly.

"Well, it's no good apologizing to me. He's too exhausted from classes for my Quirk. I can't treat all his injuries at once. I did some first aid, but after the IV is finished, we'll have to wait for his body to heal overnight." 

Looking at the sleepy Midoriya, she knew she was able to be of better help with his injuries but at the moment she felt guilty for the one thing that could have made his recovery faster and easier.

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