The Rite of Passage

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(Y/n) found herself locked in a fierce internal struggle. She had to make a life-altering decision in the blink of an eye: expose her secrets to the world to save a life, or cling to the rules of society and hope for someone else to intervene. But her thoughts were muddled by the impending danger, as both she and her best friend, Katsuki, were ensnared by the grotesque sludge villain.

One option was to harness the full extent of her "energy manipulation" quirk, even though it came with a perilous risk. Using this power could defeat the villain, but it meant endangering Katsuki, who was perilously close. Additionally, her dormant demon side lurked within her, ready to surge forth with uncontrollable strength if her emotions ran amok. The thought of losing her moral compass around her friend terrified her.

Her Narnian powers, on the other hand, were equally unpredictable, as if they had a mind of their own. They couldn't be relied upon unless activated spontaneously.

(Y/n) knew she couldn't afford to reveal her abilities openly, not until she could devise a plan to protect Bakugou and ensure his safety. To make matters more challenging, she had to remain calm, suppressing her surging emotions, lest her demon side take control and endanger everyone nearby.

Though she understood that it wasn't yet time for her true identity to be unveiled to the world, seeing her friend in the same dire situation fueled her determination to fight back. But with each passing second, her concentration wavered as the suffocating substance crept into her mouth, making it increasingly difficult to breathe. Desperation clawed at her as she thrashed, her sharp nails growing to monstrous proportions in an attempt to free herself from the villain's grasp.

The sludge villain taunted them, praising their remarkable quirks as the key to defeating All Might. But (Y/n) couldn't stand idle. Gasping for air and maintaining eye contact with the loathsome creature, she mustered her courage and said, "You creep! You said you wanted my 'quirk,' right? Well, you got what you wanted. So release Katsuki if you want me to cooperate!"

"That was until you blasted me in the other alley! So the deal is off, I'll have both you and this boy as my perfect hosts! I'll just let you struggle more painfully as punishment for not properly upholding your end of the deal!", says the villain as he inserted more of his good into her mouth, giving her a hard time to breathe.

"Fucking bastard! You let (Y/n) go! I'll kill you if you don't get your fucking slime off of her!!!", yells Katsuki as he uses his explosions to blast the villain only for it to cause a fire in the alley, gaining the attention of the other heroes and civilians nearby.

Bakugou stopped his blasts to try to reach his crush whose head was arched back with her eyes watering, watching him by his side, where it seemed like she was more concerned for his sake than hers.

His blood was boiling more seeing her in pain. It was already bad enough that she was bullied over the past months and whatever event caused her that mark during her time with the principal, he couldn't take it anymore. He wants to at least show there was he is willing to be beside her no matter the situation she is in. So the least he can do as he wrestles the giant sludge is to grab (Y/n)'s hand and hold it tight to keep her grounded and to know that he is still with her.

This caused (Y/n) to widen her eyes as she retracted her sharp nails immediately to avoid physically hurting her friend even if they were still inside the sludge.

"(Y/n) stay awake you hear me! I'm going to get us out! Just hold on!", yells Katsuki fearing for his friend's life as he continues to struggle getting released.

(Y/n), who continues to hold on to Katsuki's hand, is starting to feel angrier at the moment as her best friend is almost fully submerged in the creature's slimy figure with fear in her eyes but more keeps looking at his figure with worry. Even more so when nobody from the sidelines was willing to go in and save her friend from death. She could feel her anger and fury start to take over and she felt like any moment she was going to burst.

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