**Memory (Midoriya)**

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It was just another ordinary day at school for Midoriya, although "ordinary" wasn't exactly the word he would use to describe it. Seated alone in the bustling cafeteria, he was engrossed in his Hero Analysis book, a gift from (Y/n) that he had been pouring over ever since she had demonstrated some of her quirks during a recent visit to his place. But today, (Y/n) was elsewhere, engaged in a discussion with one of the teachers, leaving Midoriya to dine solo on the school-provided lunch of rice, katsu pork, steamed vegetables, miso soup, and a small brownie.

Lost in his studies, Midoriya was jolted out of his concentration when something struck the back of his head. Startled, he reached up to rub the spot, his eyes scanning the cafeteria until they landed on a group of students at a nearby table, all wearing smirks and exchanging knowing glances. The ringleader, a boy with green eyes and brown hair streaked with blue, seemed particularly pleased with himself as he addressed Midoriya.

"Hey, Midoriya! If you're so smart, why didn't you catch that ball? Maybe you could've learned to improve your instincts or develop your own quirk," he taunted, his words dripping with malice. "Oh wait, that's right... you can't. Because you're Quirkless!"

Laughter erupted from the group, but Midoriya did his best to brush off the cruel remarks. "Very funny, guys," he replied, attempting to diffuse the situation. "But that's kind of mean, don't you think?"

But his attempts at diplomacy fell on deaf ears as the teasing continued. "Ha! You're just ridiculous, Midoriya," another student chimed in, joining in on the mockery. "What's the point of working on your Hero Analysis if you're not even a hero yourself?"

Before Midoriya could respond, (Y/n) appeared on the scene, carrying her tray of food with her trademark closed-eye smile. Instantly, the cafeteria seemed to hush, all eyes turning to watch her approach.

"Oh, hi, (Y/n)-chan," Midoriya greeted her, grateful for the distraction. "It's nothing, really. They were just playing a harmless prank, that's all."

But (Y/n) wasn't about to let it slide. With a calm yet unwavering demeanor, she addressed the group, her eyes scanning each face with a piercing gaze. "Is that so?" she questioned, her tone soft but authoritative. "Then why is my friend here rubbing the back of his head in pain? And why do I sense such negativity directed towards him?"

The group squirmed under her scrutiny, some casting nervous glances at each other. It was clear that (Y/n) wasn't buying their flimsy excuses, and they knew it.

The tension in the air was palpable as (Y/n) stood her ground, her unwavering gaze fixed on the trembling students before her. They knew better than to mess with her, especially considering the protective presence of a certain hot-headed student who would defend her at all costs.

One of the group's leaders, however, seemed to think he could challenge her, his arrogance outweighing his better judgment. With a dismissive shrug, he admitted to being the one who had thrown the ball, attempting to downplay the situation as a harmless prank.

"No harm done, short stuff," he quipped, his voice laced with false bravado.

But (Y/n) wasn't about to let him off the hook so easily. With a calm yet assertive demeanor, she picked up the aluminum ball from the table, her expression unreadable as she turned it over in her hand.

"No harm done, huh?" she echoed, her tone deceptively mild. "Well, in that case, perhaps you won't mind if I return the favor."

The leader's confident facade faltered, replaced by a look of genuine concern as (Y/n) held the ball between her fingers, her eyes gleaming with determination.

"What the hell? You wouldn't dare!" he protested, taking a hesitant step back as (Y/n) advanced toward him.

"Why not?" she countered, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief. "After all, it's just harmless fun, right?"

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