Toshinori and the Lion

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*OK so I want to change something a little bit. All Might can change into his skinny form but he has not fought with All for One yet when he meets (Y/n) for the first time. That is going to be a little bit later. He changes into his skinny form because it is more relaxing and nobody can detect him. He will have a time limit later but as of now no.



===(Somewhere in Mustafat)===

The once bustling city now bore the scars of a recent villainous onslaught. Crumbled buildings and shattered windows painted a grim picture of the chaos that had unfolded. However, amidst the wreckage, a figure emerged the embodiment of hope and unwavering determination – All Might.

As the defeated villains lay scattered across the pavement, All Might's gaze shifted to the distressed cries of trapped civilians. With a powerful leap, he soared into action, landing gracefully amid the debris. His iconic smile, though momentarily strained, remained a beacon of reassurance.

"All right, everyone! Remain calm! I am here!" he declared, his voice cutting through the panic like a clarion call. Civilians, their faces etched with fear, turned to the symbol of peace, finding solace in his towering presence.

In swift, deliberate movements, All Might cleared the path for those ensnared by fallen debris. With a single, powerful heave, he lifted a large slab of concrete, freeing a group of trapped commuters. His actions were a seamless display of strength and precision, a routine for the Symbol of Peace.

A mother clutching her child approached, eyes wide with gratitude. "Thank you, All Might! We knew you'd come!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with relief and admiration.

In the distance, emergency services wailed their approach, a testament to the seamless coordination between heroes and rescue teams. All Might continued his rounds, rescuing those in need and offering encouragement to a shaken populace.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the city's devastation, All Might's silhouette stood against the backdrop of a healing metropolis. His heroic deeds extended beyond defeating villains – they encompassed the unwavering commitment to safeguarding the lives of those he had sworn to protect. It was just another day in the life of the Symbol of Peace, a day marked by resilience, hope, and the indomitable spirit of All Might.


===(Few Moments later)===

' *sigh* It sure is pouring hard, ...should've brought an umbrella with me...but where would I put in my strong form anyway?... Man, I need a break...'

Walking in the rainy and busy streets of Japan was none other than the Toshinori Yagi, or what people call him as the No.1 Hero All Might....but in his skinny form in the pouring rain.

He had already expended his hero form in a protracted battle against a formidable villain, one in which he had fought alongside his comrades. Now, as he made his way home, he carried two take-out orders from a nearby eatery, ready to indulge in a satisfying meal after a strenuous day of heroics. Fortunately, the food was securely packed in plastic containers within a plastic bag, shielding it from the heavy rain pouring down as he walked towards his house.

Soaked and drenched with water, he grabs his keys to unlock the door of his one-story mansion that nobody knows belongs to him since he is in his true skinny form.


Upon entering...He feels that something is not right.


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