The Arrival

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Seated across from each other in the familiar comfort of the living room, All Might, in his skinny form, looked at (Y/n) with concern etched across his face. The ambiance was gentle, the room bathed in the warm glow of evening light filtering through the curtains, casting a serene atmosphere.

"Now, (Y/n), I know we've talked about this, and you've already made your decision, but do you realize that you don't have to go through with this? It's not too late," All Might voiced, the sincerity evident in his eyes. He occupied one of the plush couches, the air between them carrying a weight of understanding.

(Y/n), maintaining her resolve, met his gaze with a calm determination. "I'm aware, Papa, but this is something I must do. The decision was made the moment it crossed my mind. While it might be beneficial for me at the moment, I believe it's best that they don't know about it just yet. As long as you and the others are in the loop, that's all that matters. It'll help even more."

All Might sighed, a mixture of resignation and affection. "Well, there's no stopping you, is there?" He ran a hand over his face, a chuckle escaping him.

"Where do you think I got this stubbornness from?" (Y/n) retorted with a playful glint in her eyes, a shared moment of levity in the midst of serious conversation


===(Present Time)===

(Y/n) was just thinking back to the conversation she had a long while ago while watching the news with Izuku beside her on the sofa as he was flipping channels to see what was on while stroking the sleepy and lazy Stitch who was lying on her lap while purring due to the soft physical contact. She is aware of the amount that is placed on her shoulders, but she does not mind it at all. She looks forward to what is to come. She could only hope for the best. She eyed her friend who seemed to be changing channels constantly after a few seconds.


"Criminal rates have dropped low for the past couple of months..."


"Breaking news, the whereabouts of the escaped prisoner, Tentsuga Hachi, still unknown -


"The investigation is still going on about the underground slave market that police found -


"Shocking news, a few wanted criminals surprisingly surrendered at the police department through their own will."


" *giggles* Is it just me or you flipping channels to see if Papa is on screen?" Teased (Y/n) which got Midoriya to squeal in emberassment and look a little flustered.

"Y-y-yes? Is it that obvious.."

"It's ok Izuku I would do the same when I was little." Reassured (Y/n) as she nudged him a little.

"Yeah, but I can't help it. He is always doing good deeds and saving lives with a smile on his face. He is always there popping up and being a symbol in front of others. I'm just glad they can capture him saving lives on screen. "

' I understand that Izuku...the heroes we see a lot in television are what a lot of people admire and see as their models...but...what about the other heroes who are also saving lives?..." thought (Y/n) as she kept her gaze on her friend who's eyes were sparkling from seeing All Might in screen. She knows he'll understand what she meant but as of now, she does not want to burst his fanboy bubble.

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