Chapter 13: Shattered Moments

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Third Person Pov 

The bustling streets of London painted a scene of urban vitality as Grace walked briskly along the footpath. It had been a month since she had sent that message to Lucius, and in that time, she had allowed herself to become engulfed in her work, using it as a shield against the tangled emotions that had taken root within her. Today, however, was different. She had made a decision—a decision to confront her feelings and the enigmatic man who had stirred them.

Blue Nile Restaurant lay ahead, a place that had become an accidental anchor in her mind. The decision to meet Lucius there was spontaneous, borne out of a desire to have a candid conversation in a neutral space. Her heart raced as she approached the entrance, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and possibilities.

But fate has a way of intervening when least expected.

As Grace continued her path, lost in thought, a sudden commotion beside her shattered the air. Before she could even react, a forceful impact sent her hurtling across the street. Time seemed to slow as the world spun in disarray. Her body slammed against the pavement with a sickening thud, pain erupting through her limbs like wildfire.

The agony was both visceral and overwhelming. Her arm twisted at an unnatural angle, the searing pain confirming a dislocation. She fought to regain her bearings, her vision swimming with a haze of pain and confusion. But the pain was not the only thing that assaulted her senses. A glimpse of her own calf bone jutting out was enough to send waves of nausea crashing over her.

Voices swirled around her, a cacophony of concerned murmurs and gasps. A crowd had gathered, their faces a blur of worry and shock. But through the fog of pain, one thought emerged with piercing clarity—Lucius.

In the muddled chaos, Grace strained to look around, her heart pounding like a drum. She knew she had to find him, to let him know that she was okay, that she was alive. Her fingers twitched weakly, trying to move, to signal for help. But the darkness that threatened to consume her seemed to inch closer.

And then, a strong, unfamiliar hand slipped beneath her, cradling her with surprising gentleness. The world became a disjointed blend of colors and sounds as she was lifted from the cold pavement. The pain was a relentless companion, a reminder of the fragility of life. She tried to speak, to call out for help, but her voice was a mere whisper lost in the cacophony.

Her head lolled against a supportive shoulder, and her gaze shifted upward, catching a glimpse of the man who held her. Dark eyes bore into hers, a mix of concern and urgency reflected in their depths. His face was a blur of features, a stranger during chaos.

As if through a foggy lens, she saw him move, his voice a soothing murmur as he spoke to those around them. The crowd seemed to part, clearing a path as they navigated through the chaos. And then, there was a blur of sirens and flashing lights—a symphony of help and rescue.

Time seemed to stretch and warp, the boundaries between consciousness and unconsciousness blurring like watercolors on canvas. The pain was a constant, a harsh reminder of the reality she was tethered to. And through it all, one thought remained—a face, a name, a promise unfulfilled.


Her world seemed to flicker, a fragile flame dancing on the edge of existence. Memories of her parents, her brother, and the moments that had shaped her life flashed before her. And in that fractured state, the memory of the man who had stirred her heart came to the forefront.

As darkness began to close in, she clung to that memory—the memory of a man who had become more than a fleeting encounter. He was a thread woven into her life, a presence that had stirred emotions she had not known she possessed. And as the darkness consumed her, the echo of his name was the last thing on her lips before everything faded into oblivion.

Whispers of Yesterday: Lost Memories, Found LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ