Chapter 9 - A Startling Proposal

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Third Person POV

Grace's mind had been dancing on the edge of the whirlwind of activity surrounding her. The conversation, the laughter, and the unspoken tension between her and Lucius had kept her senses occupied. When his words finally broke through the surface, it was as if time itself stuttered.

"Grace, would you... would you be interested in going out sometime?"

For a moment, the world hung suspended in an odd, fragile state. Lucius Moretti, the man she had clashed with at the airport, the enigmatic figure with a reputation that whispered danger, was asking her out on a date. Her heart skipped a beat, but she felt oddly numb, almost as if her mind had refused to process the unexpected turn of events.

Beside her, Luisa's animated voice faltered, and a distinct choking sound reached Grace's ears. She turned her head slightly, her gaze shifting from Lucius to her friend. Luisa's eyes were wide, her lips parting as if she had swallowed something unexpected. Grace couldn't help but sense the amusement in the air, the disbelief that her brother—the stone-hearted Lucius Moretti—had just uttered those vulnerable words.

The silence stretched, tension coiling around them like a taut wire. Grace's own voice seemed distant as she finally responded, her words coming out as though on autopilot, "Oh, um, thank you, Lucius. I appreciate the offer."

Luisa's cough broke the stillness, a cough that seemed suspiciously like someone choking on their own spit. Grace's eyes flicked to Luisa, and she couldn't suppress the hint of a wry smile. Luisa, the bubbly force of nature, was struggling to come to terms with her brother's unexpected vulnerability.

Luisa recovered quickly, her grin a touch too bright as she interjected, "Wow, Lucius, you're really full of surprises today! Who would've thought I'd see the day when you ask someone out?"

Grace felt a rush of warmth towards Luisa's attempt to alleviate the awkwardness of the moment. She appreciated the effort, even though she herself was grappling with the reality of what had just transpired.

Lucius, for his part, seemed to regain a measure of his usual composure. He offered a small, tight-lipped smile, his eyes betraying nothing. "Well, Luisa, it's never too late to surprise people."

The tension began to ease, replaced by a more manageable form of awkwardness. Grace's mind had started to catch up with the situation, her numbness giving way to a rush of thoughts and emotions. The truth was, she was intrigued by Lucius—his complexity, the glimpses of vulnerability that seemed at odds with his reputation. But the idea of dating someone like him was beyond her realm of experience.

Trying to bring some levity back into the moment, Grace added, "I must admit, I didn't expect this turn of events either. Life does have a way of surprising us."

Luisa grinned mischievously, linking her arm through Lucius's, and giving him a gentle nudge. "Well, you two can figure out the details later. For now, let us enjoy the day and the pleasant surprises it brings!"

As they continued to chat, Grace could not help but steal glances at Lucius, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty swirling within her. The numbness was fading, replaced by a hesitant excitement. The enigmatic mafia figure who had collided with her life once before was now offering her a new chapter, one that held the promise of the unknown, of secrets, and of the unexpected heat of romance.

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