Chapter 1 - London

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The Novel is staged in Flashback

Grace Waters 's POV

As I packed my bags, I could not help but feel a surge of excitement and nervousness at the same time. The thought of leaving my hometown and everything familiar to me was daunting, but the possibilities that lay ahead were endless.

As I hugged my mother tightly, I felt the weight of her love and support. Her tears were a mixture of sadness and pride, knowing that her daughter was destined for great things. It was her unwavering belief in me that had helped me reach this far, and I knew that her blessings would stay with me always.

Leaving my comfort zone was never easy, but I knew that this was the first step towards fulfilling my dreams. The opportunity to work as a TA and a doctoral fellowship researcher at the prestigious University of Hawkwood was nothing short of a dream come true. It was a validation of all the hard work and sacrifices that I and my family had made along the way.

Growing up in a middle-class family, education was always a top priority. My parents had instilled in me the values of hard work and determination, which had helped me excel in my academics. From studying in a high-end Convent School to receiving partial scholarships during my bachelor's degree and eventually being awarded the excellence award, my journey had been one of perseverance and resilience.

As I looked back at my achievements, I could not help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude. I knew that this was just the beginning of a long and fulfilling journey, one that would require me to put in my best efforts every step of the way. But with the support of my loved ones and the determination to succeed, I was ready to take on any challenge that lay ahead.

With a heavy heart and a hopeful spirit, I bid goodbye to my family and stepped into the unknown, ready to embrace the future with open arms.

Scene 1: Airport - Third Person POV

Grace was feeling overwhelmed as she stepped off the plane at Heathrow Airport. She had just arrived in London from her hometown in the United States to attend the University of Hawkwood, and she was feeling lost in the hustle and bustle of the airport. She looked around for any signs that could point her in the direction of the exit, but everything seemed like a blur.

As she made her way through the crowds of people, she suddenly bumped into a tall, muscular guy who was wearing an Armani suit. He looked annoyed as he turned to face her, and Grace could not help but feel intimidated by his sharp features and piercing blue eyes.

"Watch where you're going, will you?" he snapped at her, his voice filled with irritation.

Grace felt her face flush with embarrassment and anger. She could not believe that he was being so rude to her, especially since it was clearly an accident.

"I'm sorry," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "I didn't mean to bump into you."

The guy did not seem to care, however, as he simply brushed past her and walked away without apologizing. Grace watched him go, her frustration mounting as she realized that he was not going to make any effort to make amends for his rude behavior.

"Jerk," she muttered under her breath, as she continued to make her way towards the exit.

Despite the encounter with the rude guy, Grace was determined to make the most of her time in London. She had been looking forward to studying at the University of Hawkwood for months, and she was not going to let one unpleasant encounter ruin her excitement.

As she stepped outside, she hailed a cab and climbed into the backseat. Looking out the window, she felt a thrill of anticipation as she watched the city go by, knowing that she had a whole new world to explore. She could not wait to get to the university and start her new life as a student in London.

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