Chapter 8 - The Moment of Nervousness

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Third Person POV

Amidst the animated conversation and Luisa's infectious enthusiasm, Lucius Moretti struggled to shake off the unease that had taken residence in the pit of his stomach. He watched Grace, her expressive eyes engaged in conversation, her smile captivating. It was hard to believe that this was the same woman he had treated so rudely at the airport. Fate had a way of weaving unexpected threads, and Lucius found himself entangled in one he couldn't predict.

As Luisa recounted a funny incident from their childhood, Lucius stole a moment to glance at the file he had discreetly tucked into his inner coat pocket. He had a reputation for being stone-hearted, a man who dealt in shadows and made difficult decisions without flinching. Yet, facing Grace again had stirred something within him that he couldn't easily comprehend.

He remembered that day at the airport—the way her defiance had met his coldness, the way her eyes had held a fire that he hadn't encountered before. And then there was Dawson's questioning glance, a reminder of the secrets that lay beneath the surface. Lucius had kept tabs on Grace and her family, not out of obsession but out of necessity. In his world, knowledge was power, and he needed every advantage he could get.

"Dawson," Lucius had said that day, his tone firm, "send someone to follow her. Find out who she is, what she does."

Now, as he gazed at Grace, he found himself wondering if it was the right decision. He knew more about her than most people did—the details of her life neatly arranged in the file he carried. She was Grace Waters, soon to be 28 on December 22nd, born in 1995. Her parents, Aurora and David Waters, her sibling Robert Waters, her family's background, their hometown in California—it was all laid out in black and white. He had her life at his fingertips, and yet, he knew so little about the woman herself.

Dawson had been his confidant for years, the one person who knew him better than anyone else. It had been Dawson who had questioned his distraction that day at the airport, and it had been Dawson who had quietly followed Grace to gather information. Lucius trusted Dawson's judgment, and his right-hand man had confirmed what Lucius had begun to suspect—Grace was more than she seemed.

"Boss, she's not just an ordinary woman," Dawson had reported. "She's smart, driven, and there's something intriguing about her. She's not connected to any criminal activity or underworld dealings, but there's a spark in her, a hidden strength."

And now, faced with that very woman, Lucius felt that spark in her presence. He cleared his throat, his nerves betraying his usual composure. He had orchestrated complex deals, made life-altering decisions, and faced danger without blinking. But asking Grace Waters for a date seemed to be the most formidable challenge he had encountered.

As Luisa's voice faded into the background, Lucius turned his attention to Grace once more. His heart raced, his mind a jumble of thoughts and emotions. He had never been in this position before, navigating the terrain of a potential romance.

Swallowing his nerves, he took a deep breath and found himself extending his hand toward Grace. His voice was steady, but there was a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes as he said, "Grace, would you... would you be interested in going out sometime?"

The air seemed to hold its breath as the question hung in the space between them. Luisa's continued chatter faded, leaving only the weight of that moment, the unspoken tension, and the prospect of something new, unexpected, and perhaps life-altering.

Whispers of Yesterday: Lost Memories, Found LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang