Chapter 4 - Grace and Luisa's Friendship

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Third Person POV

Grace paced back and forth in her classroom, her heart beating fast as she prepared for her guest lecture. She had spent countless hours preparing her presentation, but she could not shake off the feeling of nervousness that had been building up inside her.

She looked up at the clock on the wall and realized that if she did not leave now, she would be late for her lecture. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her things and left the classroom, hurrying towards the seminar hall.

As she approached the backstage area, she could hear the noise of people talking and laughing. She paused for a moment to catch her breath, trying to calm her nerves before she stepped out onto the stage.

Peeking through the curtain, she saw that the hall was already filling up with people. Her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for familiar faces. And then, she saw her - a flash of bright red hair in the sea of faces. It was her first friend from the local grocery market, someone who had been kind to her for the first time and made her feel welcome in a new town.

Grace felt a wave of relief wash over her as she locked eyes with her first new friend. She felt a sudden surge of confidence, knowing that someone she knew a little maybe and trusted was in the audience.

With a newfound sense of calm, Grace stepped out onto the stage and began her lecture. The words flowed easily from her mouth, and she felt herself growing more and more confident with each passing minute.

As the lecture came to an end, Grace looked out at the audience once more, and her eyes met with her friend once again. She felt a sense of gratitude towards her friend, knowing that her presence in the audience had helped to calm her nerves and make her lecture a success.

Scene 1 – Lunch with Luisa

Grace walked out of the hall, feeling pleased with how her lecture had gone. She had put a lot of effort into preparing for it, and it was great to see that the audience had responded so positively. As she walked through the crowd of people, she was looking forward to a good lunch and continuing her day as it was just 12:00 pm.

But just as she was about to turn the corner, she heard her name being called. She turned around and saw Luisa running past people to reach her. Luisa was totally breathless when she finally reached Grace.

"Luisa, are you okay?" Grace asked, concerned.

"I'm fine," Luisa gasped, "but I wanted to catch you before you left. Are you free now? I want to go for lunch at a nearby restaurant that just opened, it is called Blue Nile. Have you heard of it?"

Grace's eyes lit up at the mention of food. "Blue Nile? No, I have not heard of it. But I am free right now. Let us go!"

Luisa grinned and led the way. They walked out of the campus and into the street, chatting away as they went. It was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining brightly.

As they reached the restaurant, they found it to be a cozy place with a rustic interior. They were greeted by a smiling waitress who escorted them to their table.

"I heard their Ethiopian coffee is really good," Luisa said excitedly, "let's try that along with some of their vegan delicacies."

Grace nodded in agreement, and they ordered the coffee and a few dishes, including their signature vegetable platter, while waiting for the food, they continued to talk about their personal lives.

The coffee arrived, and Grace took a sip, savoring the rich and bold flavor. It was unlike anything she had tasted before. Luisa was right; it was good.

As the food arrived, they began to eat, sharing the dishes and trying out new things.

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